Mac OS X (10.8) - OS X Mountain Lion Overview

In July 2012, Apple released an updated version of the OS X operating system called 10.8 or Mountain Lion. Mountain Lion includes a number of new features and further bridges the gap between iOS and OS X.


Apple has pro a summary of Mountain Lion's key new features at

The minimum system requirements for OS X 10.8 are currently expected to be:

    • Mac computer with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7, or Xeon processor (Mountain Lion will NOT work on PowerPC machines or early Intel Macs with a Core Duo processor). The following models are supported:
      • iMac (Mid 2007 or newer)
      • MacBook (Late 2008 Aluminum, or Early 2009 or newer)
      • MacBook Pro (Mid/Late 2007 or newer)
      • MacBook Air (Late 2008 or newer)
      • Mac mini (Early 2009 or newer)
      • Mac Pro (Early 2008 or newer)
      • Xserve (Early 2009)
    • 2GB of memory
    • 8 GB of disk space for downloading Mountain Lion from the App Store
    • A working internet connection to download from the App Store
    • Latest version of Mac OS X Lion (10.7.x)
If you are running Snow Leopard (10.6.x), update to the latest version of OS X Snow Leopard before you purchase OS X Mountain Lion from the Mac App Store. Click the Apple icon and choose Software Update to install Snow Leopard v10.6.8, the latest version.
  • Mac App Store installed

Noteworthy changes to OS X Mountain Lion

  • OS X Mountain Lion will only be available as a download via Apple's App Store. DVDs will not be available for purchase from Apple.
  • Notification Center: A desktop version similar to the one introduced in iOS 5 on iOS devices. Notification Center consolidates notifications from Messages, Calendar, Mail, Reminders, and third-party apps in one convenient place.
  • Power Nap: Power Nap performs Time Machine backups to Time Capsule and downloads OS X software updates while your Mac sleeps. With Power Nap, your Mac sleeps but your applications stay up to date.
  • iMessage: a multi-protocol instant messaging and texting client (replacing iChat); supports the iMessage service.

Keywordsmac apple osx mountain lion 10.8 os x appstore app store   Doc ID25648
OwnerHelp Desk KB TeamGroupDoIT Help Desk
Created2012-08-16 12:38:54Updated2024-06-18 12:18:58
SitesAdvanced Desktop Support, DoIT Help Desk
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