Manifest - Manage Group Members

These procedures show you how to add people to a group. Important note: Newly added members will not acquire the rights of group membership until they are in a new session.They must perform a NetID logout or restart their browser before anything new will function.

Quick jump to adding individuals - adding groups - removing members

Adding Individuals

If you know the user's NetID

  1. Log into the Manifest service at
  2. Under the Groups I Manage or Groups I Administer tabs click 'Details' to the right of the group you want to add members to.
  3. Click the Members tab. A list of the current members as well as a + Add Members button will be on the right. Click this button.
  4. Enter in NetIDs separated by commas or on new lines. When finished adding members click + Add Individuals. Any invalid NetIDs must be fixed before the button will work.
    • Note: This tool has a maximum of 1000 NetIDs that can be added at a time. Please contact for assistance with larger requests.
  5. Click on Save. Note that the new members are now listed.

If you do not know the user's NetID

Adding Groups

  1. Log into the Manifest service at
  2. Under the Groups I Manage or Groups I Administer tabs click 'Details' to the right of the group you want to add members to.
  3. Click the Members tab. A list of the current members as well as a + Add Members button will be on the right. Click this button.

    NOTE:If your group has the capability to invite people who do not have NetIDs through invitations, you will not be able to add another group as a member.

  4. In the Add group member field begin typing the Group ID Path of the group you wish to add. Manifest will query for the group as you type and you can click on it when it pops up below the search field.

    NOTE: if you know a group exists (eg, you've been given a Group Path from someone else) and it doesn't appear, the likely reason is that you don't have at least VIEW permission to the group. The owner of the group will need to give you permissions before you can add it, or they'll need to disable the "Hide this group from search results" option for the group; see: Manifest - Manage Group Privileges

  5. Once the group is listed in the Members to Add field click on Save. Note that the new members are now listed.

Removing Members and/or Groups

  1. Log into the Manifest service at
  2. Under the Groups I Manage or Groups I Administer tabs click 'Details' to the right of the group you want to remove members or groups that are members of your group from.
  3. Click the Members tab. A list of the current members and groups that are members of your group will show.
  4. Check the box to the left of the Name field for any members or groups you would like to completely remove.
  5. Click Remove Selected Members.

enterprise groups grouping gams manifest add people members remove manage membership 
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