Manifest - Terms of Use

Before anyone is allowed to access Manifest, they must first accept the Terms of Use.

The first time you log into Manifest you will be presented with the Terms of Use page. If this is the case, read through the terms and at the bottom of the page click the button to accept the terms of use, which will bring up the Manage Groups page. If you have already accepted the Manifest Terms of Use, your login will take you directly to the Manage Groups page.

Manifest Terms of Use

Welcome to Manifest. We are excited to offer you this service, and hope you will find it beneficial when you manage group access to web applications. As you log in for the first time, we want you to be aware of some of the rules and expectations for use. In addition to the computer use terms you agreed to when you activated your NetID, there are some additional rules for use of Manifest.

By logging in and using Manifest, you agree to adhere to the following Terms of Use:

I. Responsible Use for UW-Madison Computing
Individuals using this, and all other UW-Madison computing services, are required to:

II. Manifest Use
Authorized users are subject to the following additional requirements and service needs:

  • Be extra cautious when deleting a group. UW-Madison is not responsible for deleted groups and their memberships.
  • Designate a backup administrator for your group right away to prevent abandoned or orphaned groups upon your transfer from the department or school, or departure from the University.
  • Upon delegating administration of your group to another staff or faculty, the Terms of Use must be reviewed and accepted by that person.
  • Changes to group membership will not take effect until the next login of the group member.
  • Group administrators are responsible for updating the group membership when members of the group leave the University, change departments, or no longer need access or services that are provided to the group.
  • The scheduled maintenance window for Manifest is every Tuesday 5:00am-7:00am. Please note this window is used only when necessary. The service will generally be live during this time.
  • Groups protecting sensitive data must check the box indicating so when creating a group. DoIT Security follow up with group owners.

III. Group Expiration

  • Orphaned groups, defined as a group all of whose administrator(s) has/have left the University, may be deleted in order to maintain efficiency of the service.

IV. Privacy Statement
UW-Madison respects the legitimate privacy interests of Manifest users within appropriate limits for educational, ethical and legal reasons, subject to the following:

  • UW-Madison administrators will monitor Manifest for system management and security purposes.
  • If you are employed by the University, any groups you create in Manifest may be subject to the Wisconsin Public Records Act. For more information on the Records Management, please go to: UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM LEGAL AFFAIRS GENERAL RECORDS SCHEDULE
  • Groups and memberships of groups you create in Manifest may be subject to privacy laws, such as FERPA and HIPAA.

V. Enforcement

  • User access may be suspended and/or terminated to address potential violations of Terms of Use, University policies, and/or State or Federal law.
  • If the University receives a credible report that a violation has occurred, or if, in the course of managing the service, discovers evidence of a violation, then the matter will be referred for investigation, University disciplinary action, and/or criminal prosecution.
  • Complaints that specific material violates the law or University policy should be reported to Badger Incident Response Team (BadgIRT).
  • The Terms of Use may change without notification. Users should check this document periodically to ensure they remain in compliance.

VI. Links to Related Documents

Log Out

If you accept the terms of use, log out of the application and log back in immediately it will prompt you to accept the terms of use a second time due to processing delays.

enterprise groups grouping gams manifest create group usage legal agreement 
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MST Support in Identity and Access Management
DoIT Help Desk, Identity and Access Management