Earning Academic Credit for Military Service

The following section provides information to L&S undergraduate students who have served in the US military on the possibility of earning academic credit.

Can a student who served in the US military earn academic credit for this military experience?

It might be possible for students to earn transfer credit for education they received while in the United States military.   Transfer credit may include direct course equivalencies and/or departmental electives for work that is similar in nature, level, and content to a course in the UW-Madison undergraduate curriculum.  However, the majority of military credit will transfer as general electives and might not reduce a student's time to degree.  For more information, please refer to military credit

No credit hours are awarded for foreign (non-US) military service.

Keywordsmilitary service, academic credit, non-US military service, foreign military service, military credit, military experience   Doc ID29945
OwnerTori R.GroupL&S KB
Created2013-05-01 08:59:19Updated2021-04-14 11:11:24
SitesL&S KB
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