OVCR-CASI Homepage

Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research Committee on Academic Staff Issues


The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research Committee on Academic Staff Issues (OVCR-CASI) exists to advise the Vice Chancellor on matters of concern to Academic Staff. The Vice Chancellor may ask for advice and the Committee may volunteer advice to the Vice Chancellor. The Committee welcomes input from Academic Staff on issues of concern to you.


  • Representing OVCR academic staff in the development and review of all OVCR policies and procedures concerning OVCR academic staff
  • Promoting a positive climate and enhance an appreciation for diversity among OVCR academic staff
  • Advising the Vice Chancellor on OVCR program decisions likely to affect promotional opportunities or lead to nonrenewal or layoff of OVCR academic staff
  • Recommending opportunities for participation of OVCR academic staff in governance
  • Recommending opportunities for recognition of OVCR academic staff contributions to the excellence of the OVCR
  • Recommending mentoring and professional development programs for OVCR academic staff
  • Representing the OVCR academic staff in communications to the Academic Staff Assembly (ASA) and its Standing Committees, the Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC), the Academic Staff Public Representation Organization (ASPRO), other campus committees, and the Secretary of the Academic Staff
  • Serving as a forum for discussion of the concerns of OVCR academic staff.


Structure and Operation

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Chelsea D. in VCRGE and Graduate School
VCRGE and Graduate School