OVCR-CASI Meetings

Information about meetings of the OVCR Committee on Academic Staff Issues.

The Office of Vice Chancellor for Research Committee on Academic Staff Issues (OVCR-CASI) usually meets in 334 Bascom Hall on the second Monday of every other month at 1:30 PM. All OVCR Academic Staff are encouraged to attend any meeting of interest to them. Please re-check the date and time.

Important OVCR-CASI Dates

  • March - District email list update, OVCR-CASI elections held.
  • July - Committee reports due July 1, new vice-chair elected, new district representatives introduced, adjust committee membership, web page update, send email to district members introducing yourself and call for issues that need to be addressed.
  • September - Finalize and approve annual report and discuss Future annual goals at annual Retreat.
  • October - OVCR-CASI annual report due October 1 to the Vice Chancellor for Research and Secretary of Academic Staff and publish on OVCR-CASI web site.

For agendas and minutes of past meetings, see:

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Chelsea D. in VCRGE and Graduate School
VCRGE and Graduate School