EAD Retention and Climate Tools
This document contains a list of retention resources from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research's Equity and Diversity Committee's Toolkit.
Campus Climate Resources
- Building an Inclusive Community Through Mindfulness - presentation 2017 from Learning and Talent Development
- Committee's Summary of the UW-Madison's AAP (Affirmative Action Plan) 2015
- Climate Survey - Instrument developed by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education's Equity and Diversity Committee to assess climate in a workplace.
- Please note: It is essential to follow the process listed in the instructions when conducting a Climate Survey. The process is very straight forward with parameters. First, please contact the Office of Human Resources Development (OHRD) at Registrations2@ohr.wisc.edu and the Office of Quality Improvement (OQI) at quality@oqi.wisc.edu. Do not attempt a Climate Survey without assistance from these offices.
- Provost's campus climate site University of Wisconsin-Madison climate home page from the Provost's office.
- Diversity Plans, Reports and Policies Includes links and resources to materials and initiatives from the Provost.
- Interfaith calendar Consider religious holidays when scheduling events.
Other climate surveys and initiatives
- Association of American Colleges and Universities - Diversity Resources online for improving campus climate.
- School of ED CASI Academic Staff Resource Site Units may want to consider linking to this site or creating their own resources page for their staff.
- Assess and Improve Performance Evaluation Practices The Graduate School Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI) provides a report, sample tools and recommendations on best practices.
Exit Interviews
- Exit interview form - developed by this committee (New, October 2011)
- About.com website A link that provides guidelines, the purpose of exit interviews and sample questions for exit interviews.