Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 7-18-13

ASEC Minutes 7-18-13
Approved August 1, 2013
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, July 18, 2013
67 Bascom Hall

Members present:
Marwa Bassiouni, Trish Iaccarino, Jim Maynard, Heather McFadden, Chair; Robert Newsom, Jeff Shokler, Past-Chair.

Members absent:
Denny Hackel, Kevin Niemi, Erin Silva, Vice-Chair.

Curtis Ryals, PDRC; Jenny Dahlberg, CEBC; Russell Dimond, Advisory Committee on Budget Issues, Policies, and Strategies; Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff-Designate; Martha Kerner, Assistant Vice Chancellor; Dan Langer, Controller, Business Services; Debbie Weber, CNCS.

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.

The minutes for July 11, 2013 were approved as distributed.

Announcements/Good Works:
Heather Daniels has been named as the new Secretary of the Academic Staff.  ASEC thanked Jo Ann for her 14 months of service as Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff.

Provost Update: Paul indicated he was delighted to complete the search for Secretary of the Academic Staff and shared his appreciation for the work of the search committee.  He recommended that ASEC view the presentation made to the Board of Regents by David Miller, Senior Vice President for the UW System, (

Assembly Standing Committee Chair Reports
•    Professional Development and Recognition Committee –
Curtis Ryals: PDRC will meet in August.
•    Advisory Committee on Budget Issues, Policies and Strategies –
Russell Dimond reported that the Critical Compensation Fund provided salary increases to 1,327 academic staff members with an average award of $4695 or 7.75% of salary. He also noted that the average award offset the impact of Act 10 on salary.  The report includes twelve recommendations for future CCF like activities regarding the process, expectations, and communications.
General Reports
•    Chair – Heather McFadden:
Heather reported that the Chairs’ Chat included a discussion of the new memorandum of understanding between Athletics and Parking. 
•    Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff – Jo Ann Carr:
Jo Ann shared PPPC’s recommendation that the full ASPP be removed from the website and ASEC asked asked that PPPC be invited to discuss this issue with them. OSAS staff met with representatives of the Communications Committee and Chatman Designs to review the status of the web site.

Liaison Reports
Debbie Weber reported that the University Staff Advisory Council has been is continuing to meet while the issue of the Board of Regents amending the resolution authorizing shared governance for University staff to authorize shared governance for classified staff.  They are planning for elections in September or early October. CNCS will continue until the end of the December to assist in the transition. Those with terms ending will continue through December.

•    Board of Regents: Jim Maynard reported on the areas of emphasis presented by Jeff Immelt, the CEO of GE.  The BOR also discussed a proposed methodology for calculating program revenue appropriation balances and reserves for presentation to the Legislative Join Audit Committee. There will be a $320 million reduction in the UWSA reserve.
Guests:    Martha Kerner and Dan Langer, Open Book Wisconsin:
Martha and Dan presented an overview of Open Book Wisconsin that is a result of a statutory change that requires DOA to create and maintain a searchable website that makes available state agency operating expenses, salary and fringe information, grants and contracts information. This site is likely to go live at the end of July and will probably create more open records request. UW Madison Administrative Legal Services will respond to requests for this campus. ASEC also asked about the records retention schedule.  ASEC recommended that redaction information be sent to people before it goes live. OHR is working on putting information on the web site and including information about Open Book Wisconsin in the orientation for new employees. Individuals need to request redaction from the Directory and from Open Book. ASEC recommended that new messages be sent at the beginning of the fall semester ASEC recommends that information on Open Book Wisconsin be presented to the University Committee. 

ASEC also asked about the new travel policy that limits the ability to prepay for airfare that are not booked through Concur. Martha stated that anyone who travels on University business will be reimbursed but that for prepayment travelers must use Concur. ASEC recommended that the campus highlight the benefits to the traveler as well as to the university. ASEC asked to have the list of talking points available to academic staff.

•    Discussion of 2013-2014 priority setting meeting:
The outcome should identify two or three main goals for the year and clearly assigned roles and responsibilities.  ASEC should consider a mid-year two-hour retreat to check in on status of the goals and having an opportunity for Assembly members to meet standing committee chairs and a handout for each committee for the first Assembly meeting

•    Discussion of ASEC operating procedures (tabled)

•    Preparation for August 27 meeting with Chancellor Blank: 
ASEC will schedule meetings with Michael Bernard-Donals and Becci Menghini to prepare for this meeting.

•    Next ASEC Meeting, August 1, 2013– for decision: Added a discussion of meeting with Chancellor Blank.

•    Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss appointments  (Moved by Trish. Seconded. Approved.)

  • Motion to approve the appointment of Alan Turnquist to the Campus Lakeshore Committee. (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
  • Motion to approve the appointments of Academic staff assembly representatives. (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
•    Reconvene in Open Session (Moved by Marwa. Seconded. Approved.)

The meeting was adjourned at 4:26 p.m.

Submitted by Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff.

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff