Athletic Board Application FAQs

You are volunteering for a time intensive appointment that is about more than sports. Supervisor approval in writing is mandatory before accepting the appointment.



Who is on the Board?
Board makeup: 12 faculty, 4 alumni, 4 students (2 ASM appointees and 2 student athletes who share one vote), 2 academic staff, and 2 university staff.

What is the role of the Athletic Board?
The mission of the Board is to be sure athletic activities are aligned with University academic goals. The Board is involved in both governance and advisory capacities.


Areas of interest for the Board include, but are not limited to, academics, compliance, and student welfare. While the board is involved in approving annual budgets, it is not involved in salary decisions or contract writing or approval.  The board is represented in head coach and senior staff hiring by way of representation in the interview process where possible, and by ratifying the process. Confidentiality is required; the Board discusses student, personnel, and health issues and must comply with FERPA and HIPAA.


The Board has 4 standing committees; members will be assigned to three, including the Personnel Committee:

  • Compliance and Academics
  • Finance and Facilities (reviews and approves general budgets)  
  • Personnel (reviews head coaches on an annual basis)
  • Equity, diversity and student welfare (including medical issues)

As part of the Personnel Committee, members will serve as a sports liaison. This typically entails attending a few practices as well as some competitions (both home and away events).

What is the time commitment?

  • 15-20 hours of time a month. Additional time may be spent as a sports liaison.
    • 5-7 hours a month are spent in meetings, scheduled during work hours
    • Reading meeting material; meeting preparation
    • Attend sporting events of all types (there are 23 sports)
  • The Board meets September through June
  • Position requires a flexible work and evening schedule
  • This is a four-year commitment
  • This is a time-consuming activity


Is this a paid activity?
Members of the Athletic Board are not paid.

Who is eligible for appointment to the Athletic Board?

  • Academic staff with an appointment of 50% or greater
  • Must have Supervisor approval (required in writing)


Besides the nomination form, can I submit additional materials for consideration?

Additional materials cannot be submitted at this point. The selection committee may ask for additional information from selected nominees at a later date.


How will supervisors be asked to give their approval?

Supervisor approval will be asked for later in the process. Written approval will be required.


What qualities are desired in a candidate?

  • A well-rounded person with a variety of skills, who is open minded and who will ensure the integrity of the University is upheld
  • Ability to advocate for the welfare of student athletes (academics, athletics and health)
  • Broad understanding of and advocacy for the missions of the University and Athletics Department, and their interplay
  • Ability to consider the overall experience -- community, visitors, athletics, academics, culture -- at sporting events
  • Demonstrated ability to maintain confidentiality
  • Flexible schedule, work and personal

If I would like to nominate someone for this position, how do I do that?
You can send an email to The Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff will contact the person about the nomination and direct them to fill out the application if they are interested.


Where can I find more information on the Athletic Board?


What are the questions on the application form?

All responses have a 1000-character limit.

  • Why are you interested in serving on the UW Athletic Board?
  • From your point of view, what is the role of athletics in higher education?
  • Given the role of the Board, what specific skills or experiences can you contribute? Please mention any experience you have with program assessment/evaluation.
  • Please give an example of your work with confidential information?
  • What other committees and time commitments do you already have at the University?
  • You are welcome, but not required, to share any aspects of your identity that you feel would be helpful for the committee to know.

You will also be required to upload your resume (PDF, no more than 2 pages).


Athletic Board FAQ 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff