ECMS - Processing Documents in ImageNow

This document explains ImageNow Document Processing
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ImageNow Basic Document Processing

Processing documents involves three essential tasks for getting your documents and any unstructured data into ImageNow and then integrating the documents and data with your business application. The first step is to capture the documents into ImageNow, which is typically done by scanning or importing them from a computer. Next, you review each document to ensure they were captured correctly. After you have quality assured your documents, you link them to index keys, so they are grouped in a logical order and matched to records in your business application. After all these steps are completed, you can use other document features such as searching, viewing, merging, printing, and exporting.

Scanning (Capture)

ImageNow offers three methods of scanning and importing your documents. You can:

  1. Scan each document in on a one-by-one basis by using the Single Mode method.
  2. Scan several documents at once using the Batch Mode method.
  3. Scan or update baskets of documents using the Package Mode method.

Each method allows the options of bypassing QA, by sending documents directly to a workflow and linking them to document index keys automatically.

Quality Assurance

After you scan your documents, review them to ensure they are correct and complete.


After you have finished quality assuring your documents, link them to index keys that have been set up to work with your business application. You do this by matching your documents in ImageNow to records in your business application. Linking also gives you a way to group documents in ImageNow by storing them in Drawers. For example, documents scanned from different departments can be placed in corresponding drawers.

After documents are linked, you can display their pages whenever you open the corresponding records in your business application. You can also search for documents in ImageNow Explorer and inspect them in ImageNow Viewer. From there, you can export them, print them, annotate them, and add them to workflows.


When ImageNow merges two or more documents, it creates a multi-page ImageNow document. The documents that become pages within the merged document are called "source" documents. The final document that you select, when assembling documents to be merged, is known as the"target" document because all of the index values of the source documents are replaced by the corresponding index values of the target document. You cannot merge documents that are marked private or documents that are checked out to another user. Only one member of the merged documents can be in version control, and it must be the target document. A merge also occurs when you append a page to a document in ImageNow Explorer either by scanning the source page or selecting it from a folder.

Modifying Document Keys

In ImageNow, a document key, such as drawer, folder, or tab, holds a value that allows you to file a document in an organized and searchable manner within ImageNow. When you change a document key value in the search grid or in workflow, the effect is to move the corresponding document from one drawer, folder, or tab to another. You cannot change a custom property value from the ImageNow Explorer grid.

Deleting and Restoring

Documents that you delete cannot be recovered by ImageNow unless your administrator configures the ImageNow File Service agent to preserve deleted documents for a specific period. During that period you can restore any documents that appear in the My Recycled Documents view or, if you are the owner or a manager, in the All Recycled Documents view.

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Imaging Imaging System Experience ImageNow perceptive content document processing ecm ecms enterprise content management imaging imagenow perceptive 
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Douglas S. in ECMS
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