Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 08-27-13

Approved 9/5/13
ASEC Minutes
1:30 – 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, August 27, 2013
67 Bascom Hall

Members present: Marwa Bassiouni, Denny Hackel, Trish Iaccarino, Heather McFadden, Chair, Jim Maynard, Robert Newsom, Kevin Niemi, Jeff Shokler, Erin Silva, Vice Chair

The meeting was called to order at 1:30 p.m.

August 15, 2013 minutes were approved with corrections.

General Reports
•    Chair: Heather M. reported that Legal Services has drafted language about a policy on bullying.  Chancellor Blank attended part of the University Committee meeting on Monday, August 26.  Their discussion covered many of the items that were intended to be covered on today’s agenda.  The Provost also attended, and discussed the timeline for the Pharmacy Dean search was discussed.  Heather M. and Heather D. have begun meeting with Standing Committee Chairs and each ASEC liaison.  The meetings are covering administrative procedures, what the committees need, and how they fit into this year’s priorities.

•    Secretary: No report

•    ASEC discussed the September 9th Academic Staff Assembly meeting and approved the agenda.  It was decided to ask for a vote on the CCF report document at the October meeting.  

•    ASEC continued to prepare for the joint meeting with the University Committee and Chancellor Blank.  Heather M. detailed the outline of items to be discussed and the general plan for the meeting.

•    Next ASEC Meeting, September 5, 2013: Following are agenda items: 1) Review priorities, 2) Joint letter from ASPRO/MASA/Governance 3) ASEC operating procedures, and 4) Report on the CCF from Russell Dimond.

•    Denny Hackel gave a brief report from the Shared Governance Advisory Committee on HR Design and provided handouts showing the components of HR Design that are moving forward, as well as the timeline for these.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 p.m.

Submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff