Academic Staff Assembly Minutes 12-09-13

APPROVED 2-10-14

272 Bascom Hall
Monday, December 9, 2013
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Provost Paul DeLuca called the meeting to order at 3:36 p.m.

An honor roll of academic staff who have passed away was read by Provost DeLuca.

Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, November 11, 2013 were approved as distributed.  

Guest: Don Woolston.  Don reported on the progress made in the application process for the Carnegie Community Engagement designation.  In this case, community engagement means engagement between institutions of higher education.  The goal is to have application drafted by January 15, 2104.  The deadline for submitting the application is April 15, 2104.  These documents are available for review.  Interested parties should contact Don Woolston.

Standing Committee and Other Reports
•    ASEC – ASEC Chair Heather McFadden recognized the work of Joanne Brown as a member and chair of the appeals committee.  She announced that Erin Silva has stepped down as Vice Chair, and Kevin Niemi has been elected to that position.  Lastly, she reported that the Secretary of the Academic Staff office will send out notices about the Distinguished Prefix title twice per year, approximately three months before the deadline.

•    Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee – Co-chair Jenny Dahlberg reported that CEBC will meet on December 17, 2013 to discuss the pay portfolio and multiple roles.  

•    Nominating Committee – Committee member Sheila Stoeckel reported that there are immediate openings on the Retirement Issues Committee, Labor Codes Licensing Committee, and Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee.  In addition, applications for the Athletic Board will be open starting February 1, 2014.  A frequently asked questions page is being developed.  A 50% appointment is required to apply.  Finalists will need supervisor approval.  

2013-14 Academic Staff Governance Priorities (ASA #509)

Heather McFadden (ASEC) moved to accept assembly document #509 2013-14 Academic Staff Governance Priorities.   Seconded by Jenny Dahlberg (District 417).  Discussion followed.  Jenny Dahlberg moved to add the word “Shared” in front of the words governance in two places in the third priority.  It was seconded.  The amendment was approved.  The amended priorities document was approved.

Resolution: Encouraging Academic Staff Participation in Governance (ASA #511)
Noel Radomski (District 377) moved acceptance of the Resolution: Encouraging Academic Staff Participation in Governance (ASA #511).  It was seconded by Tom Zinnen (District 401).  There were many questions and comments on this resolution.  The resolution was not approved by voice vote.

Continuing Studies CASI Report
Bill Tishler, Continuing Studies CASI chair, presented the Continuing Studies CASI annual report.  Highlights include continuing to hold unscripted conversations with the Dean, and nominating academic staff from the division for Academic Staff Excellence Awards.

Assembly Standing Committees Annual Report
•    Districting and Representation Committee –Gene Masters, chair, reported that the districting process is now fully automated.  The committee is now concentrating its energy on evaluating the academic staff district compositions.

•    Nominating Committee – There was a decrease in the number of appointments made to shared governance committees due to natural fluctuations.  The committee is working with the Secretary of the Academic Staff to develop a more robust committee training system.

January Assembly Meeting
Heather McFadden (ASEC) moved to cancel the January Assembly Meeting.  This was seconded by Jim Rogers (District 499).  Motion passed.

New Business
Assembly representative Tom Zinnen discussed some concerns regarding items that had not been brought before the Transportation Committee including the draft MOU between parking and the athletics department and the exemption in the alcohol policy on drinking in parking lots prior to some athletic events.  

Provost Paul DeLuca’s Remarks

Provost DeLuca announced that Discovery to Product (D2P) was officially launched.  D2P will be located in the building next to WID.  A UW System Igniter grant was awarded to provide some start-up funding.  

Provost DeLuca also announced that UW-Madison will be recruiting a new Vice Chancellor for Research.  Prior to this recruitment, the organizational structure of the research and educational arms of the Graduate School will be re-examined.  An ad hoc committee has been formed by the University Committee and includes one academic staff member.  The argument for having a dedicated Vice Chancellor for Research is to increase the presence of UW-Madison in Washington DC, as our peers do.  

Tom Zinnen suggested that some type of mechanism like WiscAlerts be used for power or electrical outages.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:36 p.m.

ASA Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff