Maximum Appointment Levels for Graduate Assistants By Appointment Type - Academic Year


 No Concurrent Appointment  Domestic Dissertator / Non-Dissertator  International Dissertator / Non-Dissertator  Registration for Summer
 RA 50% 50%  YES
 PA 75% 50% NO
 TA 75%   50% NO
Combinations of Concurrent Appointments
TA/PA  75% 50%  NO
TA/RA  75% * 50%  YES 
PA/RA  75%*  50% YES 
RA/PA/TA  75% * 50% YES 
PA/AS  75%  50% NO 
TA/AS or US 75%  50% NO 
RA/AS or US 75%  50%  YES 
PA/LTE  75%  50% NO 
TA/LTE  75%  50% NO 
RA/LTE  75%  50% YES
PA/SH 75%  50% NO 
TA/SH  75%  50%  NO 
RA/SH  75%  50%  YES 

RA = Research Assistant, PA = Project Assistant, TA = Teaching Assistant, LSA= Lecturer Student Assistant, AS = Academic Staff, US = University Staff, LTE = Limited Term Employment, SH = Student Hourly  

* RA appointments are held to a 50% appointment level regardless of international or domestic student status.  The RA appointment level cannot be more than 50% for combination of concurrent appointments too. 

During the academic year, graduate students who hold assistantships and have concurrent academic staff, university staff or student hourly positions are held to the 75% maximum.

During vacation periods (summer, winter, and spring breaks), domestic graduate students who have maintained full-time status before the vacation period and intend to register for the following semester, on-campus employment may be full time for project and teaching assistant appointments.  However, during vacation periods for domestic graduate students when a PA, TA, and/or LSA is combined with a TA, the maximum combined appointment level cannot exceed 75%.

During vacation periods (summer, winter, and spring breaks), international graduate students who have maintained full-time status before the vacation period and intend to register for the following semester, on-campus employment may be full time for project and teaching assistant appointments. However, during vacation periods for domestic graduate students when a PA, TA, and/or LSA is combined with an RA, the maximum combined appointment level cannot exceed 75%.

During the academic year, a student in F-1 or J-1 status may work up to 20 hours per week (50%) on-campus while enrolled in a full course of study.  "On-campus" jobs include work in the UW student unions, libraries, recreational centers, and in academic and administrative departments.  There is no exception to the 20 hour-per-week ceiling, even if the employment is a teaching or project assistantship.

For Fellows and Trainees see Policy for Supplemental and Concurrent Appointments for Graduate Students Holding Predoctoral Fellowships or Traineeships.

The Request for Exception to Max Levels of Graduate Assistant Application form is only needed when requesting appointments that exceed the above levels. The Office of Research and Graduate Education - Human Resources is responsible for working with the Dean of the Graduate School to review and approve rare cases when there is a need for an exception to these policies. Clear documentation of the necessity for an exception to UW-Madison policy must accompany such a request and must be submitted through the appropriate Dean or Director to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education-Human Resources Office, 307 Bascom Hall. Your Dean may require School/College review of some of these categories. They will notify you separately of any additional school/college requirements. 

KeywordsMaximum Appointment concurrent Level Graduate Assistant   Doc ID33323
OwnerJULIE K.GroupVCRGE and Graduate School
Created2013-09-12 09:29:28Updated2024-02-01 07:42:57
SitesGraduate School, VCRGE and Graduate School
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