SIS/Grading - View Grade Roster/Control List
You must have the proper SIS access (SR_IGRD) to view a grade roster or your department grade control list. If you do not have access, go to the SIS page and request SR_IGRD on the SIS Authorization Form.
Viewing the Grade Control List
The Grade Control List displays the status of grade entry for every course section within your teaching subject for a specified term.
To view the Grade Control List for your subject, follow the steps below:
Step 1
Navigate to Student Records WorkCenter Grade Control List. The U_SR_GRADE_CNTRL_LIST Grade Control List query prompts display.
Step 2
Enter the Term number and Subject Area number.
Step 3
Click "View Results." You will then see the Grade Control List.
Grade Roster Status and Dates
- "Ready for Grading" with no Posting Date or Submit Date means grades still need to be entered for this section and submitted to the Registrar.
- Review the "Missing Grades" count:
- If the number is zero, all grades have been entered and saved; you will need to submit them.
- If the number of missing grades matches the number in the "Class Count" field, no grades have been entered.
- If the number of missing grades is between one and the number in the "Class Count" field, not all grades have been entered.
- "Submit to Registrar" with only a Submit Date means all grades have been entered and submitted to the Registrar on the Submit Date. They are pending posting by the Registrar.
- "Submit to Registrar" with both a Posting Date and a Submit Date means the grades were submitted on the Submit Date and the grades were posted by the Registrar on the Posting Date.
Tip: Select the "Class Nbr" link to jump to the Grade Roster Inquiry query to view specific students and their grades in that section.
Viewing the Grade Roster
To view a specific grade roster, follow the steps below.
Step 1
Navigate to > Curriculum Management > Grading > Grade Roster. You will see the "Grade Roster" find page.
Step 2
Use the "Find" page to search for the desired course section.
Grade Roster Status
- "Ready for Grading" means grades still need to be entered for this section.
- "Submit to Registrar" means all grades have been entered and they are pending posting by the Registrar.
- "Posted" means the grades have been officially posted by the Registrar.