UW-Madison Box - Security and Sensitive Data

This document provides information on the vendor and UW-Madison Terms of Service for Box.

Note: UW-Madison and Box.net reserve the right to revoke access to any user who fails to comply with the terms of service linked below.

Box End User Terms of Service

As a UW-Madison Box user, you must agree to a specific set of terms laid out in the UW-Madison Box license agreement. You can find the full terms of the agreement here: Box Terms of Service.

UW-Madison Box Terms of Use

In addition to the terms of service set by Box, all UW-Madison users are also subject to campus policies regarding data and service use. Please see the UW-Madison Box policy here: UW Madison Enterprise Box Service Terms of Use.

Keywordsbox.com box.net dropbox uwmadison account policy policies terms of service hipaa hitech compliance restrictions   Doc ID33829
OwnerAdmin B.GroupBox
Created2013-09-20 15:29:10Updated2023-12-22 13:07:46
SitesBox, DoIT Help Desk
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