Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 09-19-13

Approved 9-19-13
ASEC Minutes
1:00 – 3:30 p.m. Thursday, September 19, 2013
67 Bascom Hall

Members present: Marwa Bassiouni, Denny Hackel, Trish Iaccarino, Jim Maynard, Heather McFadden, Chair, Robert Newsom, Kevin Niemi, Jeff Shokler, Erin Silva, Vice Chair

Guests: Rebecca Blank, Peter Kleppin, Curtis Ryals

The meeting was called to order at 1:02 p.m.

The minutes for September 5, 2013 were approved.


ASEC discussed and formulated a plan for the upcoming meeting with Chancellor Blank.

Guest: Chancellor Rebecca Blank

The Chancellor talked with ASEC about housekeeping items such as visits to ASEC and the Academic Staff Assembly and academic staff governance.  She followed up regarding the Provost Search and Screen Committee as well as campus climate issues.  Darrell Bazzell, Vice Chancellor for Administration, is looking into what other campuses do in regard to surveys for staff.  She also followed up about chair training, and said they will look into adding some information about management in next year’s training.  Additional discussion took place ranging from ideas about promoting the Wisconsin Idea to shared governance.

Standing Committee Reports:
    Communications: Peter Kleppin reported that this committee will meet the day of Assembly meetings.
    PDRC: Curtis Ryals reported that Scott Mellor has resigned and Bob Agasie has been elected as co-chair.

Liaison Reports:
    CNCS: Denny Hackel reported that there has been a request for classified staff nominations for the Pharmacy search.  There has been a discussion on whether those names should come from CNCS or the Classified Staff Advisory Committee.
    Carnegie Accreditation Committee: Kevin Niemi distributed a handout for review on the past campus accreditation for Community Engagement.  The campus is currently re-applying for Spring 2014 accreditation.  The committee would like ASEC to help acquire academic staff’s contributions.  Kevin requested time at the November or December Assembly meeting to speak briefly about this.

General Reports
•    Chair: Heather M. reported that she and Heather D. met with John Lucas and Kari Knutson from University Communications and Heather D. will work them on scheduling media training for ASEC.  Kari Knutson is the reporter for academic staff issues.  Heather M. also suggested that they be included on an upcoming Assembly agenda to briefly present information about the Wisconsin Idea database and Experts database.

•    Secretary: Heather D. reported that the new Roundtable schedule would be online soon.  The money requested for upgrades to the professional development grants online system was approved.  In addition, the Secretary’s office received data from Gene Masters on new academic staff hired since December 2012; and he also built a tool to allow Heather D. and Mary to update Assembly Representatives and Alternates on the DRC website.

•    ASEC held a robust discussion on how to achieve the goals outlined under the Morale priority identified at the Academic Staff Priority Planning Meeting.

•    Heather M. distributed an email that she would like to send on behalf of ASEC to the Assembly Representatives.  ASEC moved and approved to send an edited version to the Assembly.

•    ASEC reviewed the October Assembly Agenda.  There was a discussion on how to handle the priorities this year.  No consensus was reached.

•    Next ASEC Meeting, September 26, 2013:  Agenda items include ASEC Operating Procedures, October Assembly agenda, Discussion of Compensation Priority, and Guest, Provost DeLuca.

•    Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss nominations and appointments to the Professional Development and Recognition Committee, and Search and Screen Committee for the School of Pharmacy Dean.  (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)

-   Motion to approve Stephanie Kutz and Alison Rice’s appointments to the Professional Development and Recognition Committee (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)
-    Motion to nominate Edward Elder, Sarah Kuba and Chris Sorkness for the Search and Screen Committee for the School of Pharmacy Dean (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)

•    Reconvene in open session. (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)

Submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes  
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff