External Data Collections

These are tools created by sources external to UW-Madison that provide national data related to graduate programs.


Institute of Education Sciences: Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) 

Downloadable reports on institutional characteristics, completions data, enrollment data and graduation rates data

National Science Foundation (NSF) 

Statistical reports and custom data tools providing access to national data from a variety of NSF graduate education surveys including the Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) and the Survey of Graduate Students and Postdocs in Science and Engineering (GSS). 

Council of Graduate Schools (CGS):  Graduate Enrollment and Degrees 

Report of national enrollment and degree trends

US Census Bureau: Educational Attainment in the U.S. 

Reports detailing educational attainment of the population across age, sex, race and Hispanic Origin

Classification of Instruction Programs (CIP) codes 

Full listing of CIP codes, used for identifying like fields of study across institutions of higher education


CGS Graduate Enrollment and Degrees US Census Bureau Educational Attainment in the U.S. Institute of Education Sciences Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System National Science Foundation (NSF) Statistics (IPEDS) National Research Council (NRC) Rankings report 
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Peter K. in Graduate School
Graduate School