ASA Document 316. Resolution in support of current benefits structure - May 2003 (not approved)

University of Wisconsin-Madison Academic Staff Assembly Document #316
May 12, 2003

Motion to accept the accept the substituted version (316a) was approved 5-12-03

Resolution in Support of the Current Benefits Structure
Of the University of Wisconsin System

Submitted by Assembly representative Becky Kirkland

WHEREAS, The University of Wisconsin System stimulates the state's economy and provides invaluable resources and education statewide, yet stands to take a cut in state funding that is disproportionate to its portion of the state budget;

WHEREAS, The tradition of excellent benefits for state employees allows the UW to recruit and retain world-class employees, despite generally lower wages in comparison with the private sector;

WHEREAS, Governor Doyle's proposed budget would increase the portion of healthcare premiums paid by UW faculty and academic staff, effectively imposing a unilateral wage cut; and

WHEREAS, Faculty and academic staff do not have the opportunity to negotiate our benefits as do represented state employees via their labor contract negotiations; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the University of Wisconsin-Madison Academic Staff Assembly affirms its support for the current formula for calculating the portion of health insurance benefits paid for by the State of Wisconsin (the employer) and opposes the imposition of co-payments for health care beyond those that already exist.

ASA Document 316 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff