ASA Document 320. Resolution on concealed weapons (draft introduced 10-13-03)

#320 - November 10, 2003

Resolution on the concealed weapons law now before the state legislature

The UW-Madison Academic Staff Assembly supports the State of Wisconsin's 130-year-old prohibition against concealed weapons. We oppose legislation (Senate Bill 214 and Assembly Bill 444) to expand the number of people permitted to carry concealed weapons. If enacted, this legislation would escalate the prevalence of weapons in everyday settings, and thereby reduce the safety of the public.

As a governance body, the Academic Staff Assembly has a share of responsibility for the safety of the university campus. In an effort to fulfill this responsibility, we urge Wisconsin legislators to support the recommendations of both the Wisconsin Chiefs of Police Association and the Wisconsin chapter of the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators.

ASA Document 320 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff