ASA Document 323. ASPP Appeals Comm. change, Ch. 9 Approved 2-04

#323 - February 9, 2004 - Approved

ASPP change to Chapter 9 - Appeals Committee membership

The Personnel Policies and Procedures Committees offers the following motion: To increase the size of the Academic Staff Appeals Committee from nine to twelve (Academic Staff Policies and Procedures 9.02).

Here is the existing language in ASPP 9.02.

9.02 Composition and Procedures

The Academic Staff Appeals Committee consists of nine members of the academic staff. The Committee is appointed by the Chancellor or designee upon the recommendations made by the Academic Staff Executive Committee. Members will serve three-year terms, with one-third of the Committee appointed annually; members may be reappointed. The Committee shall elect its chair annually from among its members.

ASA Document 323 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff