ASA Document 324. ASPRO By-law changes (withdrawn)
(Revised December 2003)
The name of this corporation
shall be the Academic Staff Public Representation Organization (ASPRO), Inc.
A. The purposes of this
corporation shall be as specified in the Articles of Incorporation.
B. The principal functions of
the corporation shall be:
1. to communicate to the Board of Regents, the Legislature,
state and local government officials, their agencies when appropriate, and the
public, the views of the UW System (UWS) academic staff on matters of concern
to the UWS;
2. to aid the Board of Regents, the Legislature, state and local
government officials, and their agencies when appropriate, by facilitating
access to the expertise available within the UWS academic staff;
3. to recommend to the UWS academic staff governance bodies and
to the UWS-Administration, procedures for improving academic staff
communication with the Board of Regents, the Legislature, state and local
government officials, their agencies when appropriate, and the public;
4. to keep the UWS academic staff governance bodies fully
informed on relevant issues under consideration by the Legislature and other
agencies of state and local government; and
5. to maintain contact and coordinate activities with the
faculties of the UWS campuses, UWS administration, alumni associations, student
organizations, professional groups, and other organizations concerned with
legislative issues crucial to the UWS.
The corporation will identify and utilize resources existing
throughout the UWS academic staff, including calling upon interested academic
staff members to participate in communicating with the Legislature, government
bodies, the media, and the public.
The corporation has no
individual members. Membership consists of a federation of UWS campus chapters.
It is fully controlled by the UWS ASPRO Board of Directors who are elected or
appointed by the UWS campus ASPROs in accordance with Article IV.A. and B. to
ensure that the UWS ASPRO expresses the views of the academic staff for whose
benefit the corporation is organized.
A. Members - voting
Campus ASPROs in the UWS shall be represented on the UWS ASPRO
Board of Directors by one voting board member for every 100 ASPRO members on a
campus. Campus ASPROs with less than 100 ASPRO members shall be granted one
voting member whenever at least 5% of the academic staff employed by the campus
are ASPRO members. Notwithstanding, the total Board membership from any single
campus shall not exceed nine members. For the purposes of this section the UWS
Centers, combined, are considered one campus.
B. Members - nonvoting
Campus ASPROs that have not
attained voting board membership requirements under Article IV .A. shall be
eligible to send one nonvoting representative to the ASPRO Board whenever at
least five academic staff members employed by the campus are ASPRO
C. Selection of Board Members
The Board members prescribed
under Article IV .A. and B. shall be members of the UWS ASPRO and shall be
selected by each campus ASPRO according to procedures established by its
D. Length of Term
Board members shall serve for
two-year terms and may be reelected or reappointed. Terms shall be staggered
insofar as possible to maintain continuity of the Board membership.
E. Voting
Each voting member of the
Board selected under Article IV .A. shall have one vote.
F. Responsibilities
The UWS ASPRO Board of Directors has the primary responsibility
1. providing oversight of effective relations with the state
2. communicating with the UWS Board of Regents, the
UWS-Administration, the UWS campuses and their administrators, state and local
government officials and the public on legislative issues of importance to the
UWS academic staff community; and
3. soliciting for system-wide ASPRO membership
Each UWS ASPRO Board of Directors member is expected to
contribute actively to one of these areas: legislative relations,
communications or membership. The Board may appoint committees as necessary to
carry out its work, and may include non-Board members of ASPRO. At least one
UWS ASPRO Board member must be a member of each committee.
G. Duties
The UWS ASPRO Board of
Directors shall:
1. act for the UWS ASPRO on all matters of business. When
serving on the ASPRO Board of Directors, Board members should have the best
interests of the organization and all academic staff in mind;
2. prepare and submit a report of its activities to campus
ASPROs within thirty (30) days of each Board meeting;
3. secure the services of an executive director, lobbyist and/or
other staff to support the ASPRO activities;
4. review proposed legislation, take positions, and represent
these positions to the elected officials and legislative bodies as is
appropriate; and
5. select chairs and direct the activities of committees
established by the UWS ASPRO Board of Directors.
H. Meetings
1. The UWS ASPRO Board of
Directors shall meet at least once every two months when the Wisconsin
Legislature is in session and at least once a year otherwise. The time and
place of the meeting shall be decided by the President of the Board, and
members shall be notified by US mail, campus mail, e-mail, fax, or telephone at
least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. If notice is by United
States or campus mail, it is deemed delivered within the required time if it is
deposited in the US or campus mail five (5) working days prior to the time of
the meeting.
2. Whenever a notice is
required to be given to a board member under these bylaws or any provision of
law, the board member may waive this requirement by signing a written waiver.
3. The UWS ASPRO Board of
Directors may establish, by resolution, the time and place for the holding of
meetings without other notice than such resolution.
4. Actions of the UWS ASPRO
Board of Directors may be taken without meeting. These actions will require a
two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting board members then in office by mail ballot
or another means whereby a written response can be obtained, e.g. electronic
5. A quorum consists of a
simple majority of the UWS ASPRO Board of Directors. Unless otherwise stated in
these bylaws, decisions of the Board shall be by majority vote of those members
present at a meeting for which a quorum has been satisfied. Board members must
be in attendance at meetings to vote. Voting board members who participate in
Board meetings by teleconference are presumed to be in attendance.
6. As is practical, meetings
of the UWS ASPRO Board should be hosted by campus ASPROs on a rotating basis as
determined by the UWS ASPRO Board of Directors.
7. Special meetings of the
UWS ASPRO Board of Directors may be called by the President or upon written
request of three members. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the
notice. Except in cases of emergency, at least five days notice shall be given.
8. When vacancies or
resignations occur, the UWS ASPRO President shall notify the ASPRO chapter
having a vacant seat. The ASPRO chapter shall select a replacement member for
the seat and will provide written notification of the replacement member to the
UWS ASPRO President. The new member of the board will be seated at the next
board meeting.
A. The principal officers of the corporation shall be a president, vice
president, and secretary/treasurer, each of whom shall be elected by the UWS
ASPRO Board of Directors. Such other officers and assistant officers, as may be
deemed necessary, may be elected or appointed by the Board of Directors.
B. The Board shall elect its
officers annually at its first meeting after September 1st of each calendar
year and they shall take office at the close of the meeting at which they are
C. Each officer shall hold
office until a successor shall have been duly elected, or until he/she resigns
or is removed as provided in V.E.
D. The UWS ASPRO Board of
Directors, at its option, may elect persons who are not voting members of the
Board to the offices of Secretary and Treasurer. Whenever this occurs, these
officers shall be ex-officio members of the Board and shall not vote.
E. Any officer or agent elected
or appointed by the Board of Directors may be removed by a majority vote of the
Board of Directors whenever, in its judgment, the best interests of the
corporation will be served thereby.
F. Officers, assistant
officers, and agents elected or appointed by the Board of Directors shall have
such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed by these bylaws, by
resolution of the Board of Directors and by the parliamentary authority adopted
by this corporation.
A. ASPRO members on a UWS
campus may establish a campus ASPRO and select its officers solely at the
prerogative of its members. A campus ASPRO may take positions on issues that
are not in agreement with those taken by the UWS ASPRO Board. However, campus
ASPROs shall not represent these variant positions to elected officials or the
public as positions of UWS ASPRO without the expressed approval of the Board of
B. Campus ASPROs shall be
represented on the UWS ASPRO Board of Directors as prescribed under Article IV
.A. and B.
Responsibilities of campus
ASPROs include, but are not limited to:
1. coordinating effective relations with elected officials;
2. communicating with the Board of Regents, the
UWS-Administration, other UWS campuses and their administrations, state and
local government officials and the public on issues of importance to the
academic staff of the campus and the positions on issues adopted by the UWS
ASPRO Board of Directors; and
3. solicitation of campus ASPRO membership.
A. Fiscal Year. The fiscal
year of the corporation shall begin on January 1 of each calendar year.
B. Budget Finances. The
corporation shall be financed by voluntary payroll deductions, direct payments,
gifts, grants, bequests, or other devices that may be accepted by the UWS ASPRO
Board of Directors.
C. Dues. Dues for employees
shall be 1/10 of 1% of the monthly gross salary.
D. Nonprofit Basis. The
corporation shall operate on a nonprofit basis. Notwithstanding VII.C, in the
event of a surplus accrues, above a reasonable reserve for contingencies, the
UWS ASPRO Board of Directors shall reduce the contribution of the academic
E. Audit. The corporation
shall be audited by a qualified person as voted by 50% of the UWS ASPRO Board
of Directors.
F. Agents. The UWS ASPRO
Board of Directors may authorize any officer or officers or agent or agents to
enter into any contract or execute or deliver any instrument in the name of and
on behalf of the corporation, and such authorization may be general or confined
to specific instances.
G. Depository. All funds of
the corporation shall be deposited with such depository or depositories as
determined by the UWS ASPRO Board of Directors.
H. Distribution of Assets on
Dissolution. Upon dissolution of the corporation, the UWS ASPRO Board of
Directors, after paying or making provision for the payment of all of the
liabilities of the corporation, shall give the remaining assets, if any, to the
Regents of the University of Wisconsin System to be used for the benefit of the
University of Wisconsin System academic staff.
The rules contained in the
current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the
corporation in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not
inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the corporation
may adopt.
These bylaws may be amended
by a two-thirds vote of the UWS ASPRO Board of Directors. Amendments to these
bylaws must be forwarded in writing to board members at least ten (10) days
prior to the next scheduled meeting.