ASA Document 325. ASPRO campus by-law changes 3-04

Approved March 2004 meeting.


UW-Madison Campus Chapter

Academic Staff Public Representation Organization (ASPRO)

(Revised March 2004)




            The name of this Chapter shall be the UW-Madison Campus Chapter of the Academic Staff Public Representation Organization (ASPRO), Inc..



            To represent the interests of the UW-Madison academic staff on all issues considered by the UW System (UWS) ASPRO, Inc. Board of Directors as provided under Article IV.A. of the UWS ASPRO, Inc. bylaws.



The principal functions of the UW-Madison Campus Chapter are:  

A.     to inform the Board of Regents, the Legislature, state and local government officials, their agencies when appropriate, UW-Madison campus administrators and the public about the academic staff role in the mission and operation of the University of Wisconsin-Madison;

B.     to communicate to the Board of Regents, the Legislature, state and local government officials, their agencies when appropriate, UW-Madison campus administrators and the public,  the views of the UW-Madison academic staff on legislative issues of concern to the university;

C.     to aid the Board of Regents, the Legislature, state and local government officials, their agencies when appropriate, UW-Madison campus administrators and the public by facilitating its access to the expertise available within the UW-Madison academic staff;

D.    to recommend to the Academic Staff Executive Committee and the UW-Madison administration, procedures for improving academic staff communication with the Board of Regents, the Legislature, state and local government officials, their agencies when appropriate, and the public;

E.     to keep the Academic Staff Executive Committee and the Academic Staff Assembly fully informed on relevant issues  under consideration by the legislature and other agencies of state and local government;

F.     to inform and, when appropriate, seek assistance from the UW-Madison faculty, UW-Madison classified staff, Wisconsin Alumni Association, student organizations, professional groups, and other organizations concerned with issues crucial to the university; and

G.     to maintain contact and coordinate activities with the UW-Madison faculty and students on issues in which there are common interests.

The Chapter will identify and utilize resources existing throughout the UW-Madison academic staff membership, including calling upon interested academic staff members to participate in communicating with the Legislature, government bodies, the media, UW-Madison campus administrators and the public.



Members of the UW-Madison Campus ASPRO Chapter include all persons employed by the UW-Madison who pay dues to the University of Wisconsin System ASPRO, Inc.  The UW-Madison Campus ASPRO Chapter is fully controlled by the academic staff of the University of Wisconsin at Madison through its Assembly and the Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) to ensure that it expresses the views of the academic staff for whose benefit the Chapter is organized.

An annual membership meeting will be held within 60 days of September 1.



A.     Membership

The UW-Madison Campus ASPRO Chapter Board shall be eleven ASPRO members,  shall be appointed by ASEC and confirmed by the Academic Staff Assembly and shall be comprised of:      

1.  at least one (1) member of ASEC;

2.  at least two members of the Academic Staff Assembly;

3.  members-at-large after calling for nominations from ASPRO members, Assembly representatives, or other individuals, or after receiving self-nominations.  These members will be selected based on considerations of breadth, continuity, and expertise in areas including legislative relations, membership solicitation, and communications. 

B.     Length of Term

1.   Board members shall be appointed for two year terms.

2.   Individuals may be reappointed as Board members.

C.     Voting:

                      Each member of the Board shall have one vote.

D.     Duties

The Campus Board has the primary responsibility for:

1.  electing the UW-Madison Campus ASPRO Chapter voting members of the University of Wisconsin System (UWS) ASPRO Board of Directors as provided under Article IV.A. of the UWS ASPRO, Inc. bylaws.

2.  coordinating effective relations with the state legislature;

3.  communicating with the Board of Regents, University of Wisconsin System, UWS Campuses, state and local governments and the public on legislative issues of importance to the entire UW-Madison academic staff community; and

4.   soliciting ASPRO membership.

Each Campus Board member should contribute actively to one of these areas:  legislative relations, communications or membership.  The Campus Board may appoint as many advisory committees as necessary to carry out its work, and may include as many non-board members on them as it wishes.  At least one Campus Board member will be a member of each committee.


E.      Responsibilities:

The specific duties of the Campus Chapter Board shall include:

1.  acting for the UW-Madison Campus ASPRO between annual membership meetings in all matters of business, but not matters of policy except as authorized by ASEC;

2.  preparing a report of its interim activities and submit the same to ASEC within thirty (30) days after each Board meeting;

3.   reporting its activities directly to the Academic Staff Assembly and the Campus ASPRO membership.

F.      Meetings

1.  The Board may establish, by resolution, the time and place for the holding of regular meetings without other notice than such resolution. The Board will meet at least once annually.  Meetings may be held in conjunction with meetings of the UWS ASPRO Board of Directors.

2.  Special meetings may be called by the Chair or upon the written request of three members.  The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the notice.  Except in cases of emergency, at least five days notice shall be given.

G.     A quorum consists of six (6) members of the Board.  Unless otherwise stated in these bylaws, decisions of the board shall be by majority vote of those members present at a meeting for which a quorum has been satisfied.



A.    The officers of the UW-Madison Campus Chapter shall include: a chair, a vice chair, and a secretary/treasurer.


B.    The officers shall be elected annually by the Board at a meeting no later than September and take office at the close of the meeting at which they are elected.  If the election of officers is not held at such meeting, such election shall be held at the next regular meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose.  Each officer shall hold office until his/her successor is elected, or until he/she resigns or is removed as provided in Article VI.C. or D.


C.    When vacancies or resignations occur, the chair shall notify ASEC.  ASEC shall appoint a new board member in consultation with the Board.  The appointed member shall serve the remainder of the term for that seat.   


D.    Any officer or agent elected or appointed by the Chapter Board may be removed by the Board whenever, in its judgment, the best interests of the Chapter will be served thereby.


E.      Officers, assistant officers, and agents elected or appointed by the Chapter Board shall have such powers and perform such duties as may from time to time be prescribed by resolution of the Board and, failing such resolution, shall have such powers and perform such duties as are normally incident to such offices.



Finances for the UW-Madison Campus ASPRO Chapter will be provided as authorized by the UWS ASPRO, Inc., Board of Directors.



         The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Campus Chapter ASPRO Board in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order that shall be adopt.



These bylaws may be amended by a majority recommendation of the Board of Directors and confirmation of the Assembly by majority vote.

ASA Document 325 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff