ASA Document 335. PPPC Ballot

Academic Staff Document #335

May 10, 2004



(Terms expire 6/30/2007)



Please Vote for Three Candidates


NAME                                              DIST           COLL/SCH/DIV


____  Maureen “Mo” Noonan Bischof             497                       GEA


          Sandra Guthrie                                 485                       LIBR


          Rebecca Ryan                                   498                       L&S


          Miriam Simmons                               489                       GRAD


___    Ann Wallace                                      483                       EDUC









NAME                                    DIST                   COLL/SCH/DIV    TERM ENDS


            Dan Barnish                                 402                           CALS                     6-30-06

                  Carlotta Clamese                       489                           L&S                       6-30-05

            Jeanne Hendricks                         458                           ENGR                    6-30-05

            Carla Love                                   262                           L&S                       6-30-06

            John Mather                                413                           CALS                     6-30-06

            Amy Pritchard                              422                           MED                      6-30-05


Candidate Statements



I have been an academic staff member for 8+ years and have been involved in academic staff governance, at some level, much of this time. Currently, my appointment is with the Office of the Provost where I serve as an Assistant to the Provost, having joined the Provost’s staff in 2002. From 1996-2002, I worked in the School of Education Dean’s Office as an Administrative Program Specialist responsible for and assisting with a myriad of issues, programs, and policy development.


My first experience with academic staff governance began in 1997 as a representative for the Academic Staff Assembly in which I served until 2002. I became a board member of the Academic Staff Public Representation Organization in 1999 serving on the board until last year. Further, I’ve been involved in the Academic Staff Mentoring program and have had the good fortune of meeting other remarkable academic staff from across campus.


I am particularly interested in contributing to the university by serving academic staff on this campus. My interest in joining the Personnel, Policies and Procedures Committee stems from my past experience with academic staff governance, my background dealing with equity and diversity policies, and my interest in enhancing opportunities for professional development. Further, I wish to work on important policy issues for academic staff such as job security, compensation and benefits, supervision and job performance to ensure full participation of academic staff in the shared governance process on campus. Thanks for your consideration.





I have worked for the University for 28 years, 12+ years as academic staff. All of my academic staff experience has been with the General Library System where my current title is Director, Business Services (Medium). In that role I am responsible for the Budget and Human Resources operations for the GLS. I have been involved in campus human resources activities for 15 years. As an HR professional on this campus, I have and do participate in a number of campus groups specific to HR issues. I have presented to campus and library specific groups on a variety of management and personnel topics. I co-chair with Mariamne Whatley the Chairs of Equity and Diversity Committees committee. As an academic staff representative, I currently serve on the Personnel and Policy Procedures Committee and also on the Recreational Sports Board. This is a request to be considered for reappointment to the PPPC. I enjoy participating in these governance committees. I believe the University benefits, the departments benefit, and the individuals benefit from a broad based participation in governance activities. I would like to believe that I have been an asset to the PPPC with my experience and perspectives and in turn I know I have been benefited, as has the staff of the GLS, from my involvement in this committee. I hope to continue this association. Thank you.







Currently I am a Senior Academic Advisor with the Cross-College Advising Service (CCAS) and have been serving my first term on the Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee. I arrived on campus 10 years ago with the creation of CCAS. As one of 9 original academic staff members of CCAS, I had the exciting opportunity to build an office from the “ground up.” This incredible experience has allowed me to branch out into other areas of campus including building many relationships with individuals in all schools, colleges, and a variety of units, as well as getting involved with many on-campus programs and initiatives (Student Personnel Association, Plan 2008 Diversity Forum, the Leadership Institute among others). In my position, I have also been able to get involved in state-wide and national organizations in my field. I am currently the VP of programs for the Wisconsin Academic Advising Association (WACADA) and am the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA) Region 5 representative. I am a high-energy, creative and dedicated person and am eager to continue utilizing my strong analytical and communication skills in an area I find intriguing.


In my position at CCAS, I have experienced a great deal of change and staff turnover (10 advisors, 2 directors, and classified staff have left their positions with CCAS since we were created). Because of this experience, I have a personal interest in job security, staff retention, and related issues, as well as in the development, interpretation and implementation of campus policies. I am confident I can continue to contribute a useful perspective for the committee. Sincere thanks for your consideration.





I am seeking election to the Personnel Policies and Procedures committee and would appreciate your vote. I’ve been interested and involved in personnel policies and procedures for many years. I recently served on the Graduate School’s Professional Assessment Committee, which created a Performance Evaluation Process for academic staff in Graduate School Administration. While at Iowa State University, I led the development of a Performance Evaluation and Expectation Guidelines for academic staff in my unit. My experience at another public institution and at UW-Madison gives me a broader perspective on personnel issues. Having a good understanding of personnel policies and procedures is important to all academic staff, and I am excited about the opportunity to be an advocate on this campus. 


I have been an academic staff member for 19 years. Currently I am the Assistant Dean for Outreach Services and Graduate Student Professional Development in the Graduate School. I worked for the Wisconsin Union from 1980-1988 and from 1988-92 I was the Manager of Conference Services at IowaState University. I returned to Madison in 1993 to work in the Office of Outreach Development where I held several positions including Interim Director, Associate Director, and Outreach Program Manager.


I have been involved with academic staff issues since 1993. I served as the Assembly Representative for District 494 from1994 to 2001, co-chaired the Academic Staff Institute in 2000, was a member of the planning committee for the Inaugural Academic Staff Institute in 2002, and served on the Nominating Committee from 1998-2004. I am currently a mentor for the Academic Staff Mentoring program having participated from 1997-2000, and serve on the recently formed Graduate School CASI.


I appreciate the opportunity to be considered for this committee and hope you will vote for me.




I am seeking reelection to the Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee because I would like to continue my active participation in the hard work that has gained the PPPC a positive reputation among many ASEC and Academic Staff Assembly members. I have been a member of the PPPC since its beginning and its chair from 1988-92 and 1994 to the present. During my most recent term we received Assembly and UW System approval for several sets of revisions of Academic Staff Policies and Procedures (ASPP), and we made significant improvements in the PPPC web site: We continue to monitor academic staff job security on campus and have shared the results of our analysis with school/college/division Committees on Academic Staff Issues (CASIs). I have made presentations to several CASIs on such issues as promotions, job security, and evaluations of supervisors.


I am an Assistant Dean in the School of Education with special responsibilities for academic staff personnel matters. This work enables me to bring relevant knowledge to the PPPC, and my committee work complements my position. I serve on the School’s CASI, the Equity and Diversity Committee, and its access and accommodation subcommittee for persons with disabilities. Before moving to the School of Education in 1980, I held academic staff positions for almost 17 years on research and training projects funded by soft money in the Department of Sociology.

KeywordsASA Document 335   Doc ID34444
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2013-10-14 09:47:58Updated2020-07-13 15:41:01
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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