ASA Document 345. Resolution on mandatory promotion review 2-14-05


Resolution of the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee

On Mandatory Reviews for Promotion

Whereas, the UW System's Unclassified Personnel Guideline (Chapter 1) states for Category A academic staff titles, "The first three professional prefixes "Associate, No Prefix and Senior" reflect successively greater experience, expertise and applied ability in a particular specialty area;"

Whereas, the UW System's Unclassified Personnel Guideline (Chapter 1) further states, "these three prefixes constitute a 'natural career progression' track through which professional academic staff might be expected to progress in the area of specialty";

Whereas, while promotions are not based on "time in grade," a review for promotion is a reasonable expectation after an appropriate period of time;

Whereas, the UW-Madison has determined the "appropriate" periods of time are one to two years at the Associate prefix and seven years at No Prefix for Category A professional titles;

Whereas, Category B titles have been established with a relationship to faculty titles and do not have the same "natural career progression" concept as Category A titles;

Whereas, Category B titles offer more specific criteria on a title-by-title basis to progress in the title prefix;

Therefore Be It Resolved, the Academic Staff Assembly approves in principle establishing a system of mandatory reviews for promotion of Category A and B academic staff.

ASA Document 345 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff