ASA Document 368. Resolution Regarding the Campus Initiative to Address the LTE Policies

University of Wisconsin Academic Staff Assembly Document #368

Madison 11 September 2006

Academic Staff Assembly Resolution

Regarding the Campus Initiative to Address the LTE Policies

August 25, 2006

Whereas, there is a long standing concern that long term Limited Term Employees (hereafter referred to as LTEs) become disadvantaged when it comes to compensation, job security and fringe benefits; and,

Whereas, the recommendations of a specially appointed committee to study LTE issues call for the elimination of “Regular” LTE’s after a three biennial implementation process; and,

Whereas, the administration at UW-Madison proposes a policy that calls for the adoption of a “living wage” compensation plan that represents a minimum salary of 110% for a family of four in the City of Madison; and

Whereas, said policy establishes a LTE monitoring committee to ensure that units of the University of Wisconsin-Madison are adhering to the provisions of the policy and advising the campus administration on the status of the implementation; and,

Whereas, said policy was developed with input and contributions of a significant cross representation of all the units that utilize LTE appointments, bargaining units that have supported better treatment of LTE’s, student organizations that have close ties to LTE issues, and individuals that are currently on LTE appointments; and,

Whereas, campus administration has properly met with campus governance groups, including the Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC);

Therefore be it resolved that the Academic Staff Assembly endorses this major policy change and commends the campus administration for initiating this project.

KeywordsASA Document 368   Doc ID34570
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2013-10-18 11:18:25Updated2020-07-13 15:43:16
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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