Diploma - Degree Name on Diploma


The following explains the expectations of the degree name on the diploma.

Degree Name

Diplomas reflect the degree you received and do not specify majors.

Degree name formats vary from program to program. Specialized or professional degrees may list a major as part of their degree name.

You can verify your major's degree name on the Major, Options, Degrees and Certificates Report page of the Office of the Registrar's website.

Degree Titles

Degree titles appear on both the diploma and transcript.

The degree title will appear as listed under Diploma Description on the Majors, Options, and Degrees List PDF in this link.

  • Example: Bachelor of Science

Major(s) appear on your transcript only.

The major title(s) will appear as listed under Transcript Description on the Majors, Options, and Degrees List PDF in this link.

  • Example: Psychology BS

Certificates appear on the transcript only. For a list of official UW–Madison certificates click the Certificates tab on the table on the Major, Options, Degrees and Certificates Report page of the Office of the Registrar's website.

  • Example: Certificate in Entrepreneurship.

For more information about diplomas, click here.

Keywordsadd, change, course (courses, class), course search and enroll, dars (DARS), degree (degrees, degree planner), drop, gpa (GPA), hold, honors, indicators, name, permission, plan (plans, planner), record (records), requisite (prerequisite), schedule (scheduler), sis (SIS), swap, textbook (textbooks), transcript, transfer, wait (waitlist, wait list), withdraw (withdrawal)   Doc ID34658
OwnerDanielle C.GroupOffice of the Registrar
Created2013-10-22 13:28:55Updated2024-02-02 16:39:29
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Office of the Registrar
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