Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 01-23-14

Approved 1-30-14

ASEC Minutes

2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, January 23, 2014

54 Bascom Hall

Members Present: Marwa Bassiouni, Denny Hackel, Jim Maynard, 

Heather McFadden, Chair, Robert Newsom, Kevin Niemi, Vice Chair, Jeff Shokler, Erin Silva

Guests:  Deb Brauer, Catharine DeRubeis, Eden Inoway-Ronnie, Steve Lund, Linda Scholl

The meeting was called to order at 2:02 p.m.

The minutes of January 9, 2014 were approved.

Guest: Eden Inoway-Ronnie, Provost Office

The Dean’s Council met with the working group exploring how to structure the Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate School positions.  In addition, Bruce Maas and John Krogman talked about the transition to Office 365.  Brian Fox also visited with the Deans to discuss their obligations for Outside Activity Report completion and identifying conflicts of commitment from the reports.


    • Chair Heather McFadden reported on changes to the timeline to nominate academic staff for the Vice Provost searches.  She mentioned that the Budget Model Review Committee will have a final report soon.  She asked ASEC whether the Assembly should hear about the report if it was ready in February?  In addition, a draft report from the working group on the Vice Chancellor for Research and Dean of the Graduate School positions will be available in mid February.
    • Secretary Heather Daniels reported that copies of the Promotion report from last year are included in the packet for today.  If ASEC is interested, someone from the Academic Personnel Office could be invited to talk about the reports in greater detail.  She mentioned that the content for the new website should be moved during the first couple weeks of February.  Lastly, she gave an update on staffing for the office.

Guests: Deb Brauer and Linda Scholl, Co-Chairs Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee (PPPC)

Deb and Linda reported on the progress that PPPC has made revising the Academic Staff Policies and Procedures (ASPP).  The committee is currently working to put ASPP into the KnowledgeBase.  This should fix many of the numbering problems within the current document.  They mentioned that having someone from the Law School or with a background in law is very helpful for this committee.  There was also a discussion about the job security exercise.  PPPC feels comfortable sending out the annual flier to academic staff about job security, but feel that the analysis of the data after the exercise could be placed elsewhere.  ASEC will consider where the analysis work belongs.

Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss nomination to the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning Search and Screen Committee.  (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)

Motion to nominate Kevin Niemi to the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning Search and Screen Committee. (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)

Reconvened in open session. (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)

Assembly Standing Committee Chair Report:

Jason Jankoski reported on the work of Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee (CEBC).  Work has begun on a survey about promotional steps.  This survey will eventually be brought to ASEC.  There will be a white paper on dual roles for academic staff.  Lastly, he shared a draft of a pay tools portfolio document for academic staff for discussion.

Liaison Reports:

    • Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC).  Kevin sent data to PDRC from 2005-2009.  He will follow up with the committee on this data.
    • University Academic Planning Council.  Jeff reported that the Division of International Studies Advisory Board has come before the committee.  There would be one academic staff member on this committee appointed by ASEC in addition to two other academic staff members appointed by other entities.  He asked ASEC to share any concerns about this composition with him. 
    • HR Design: Denny Hackel reported that the HR Design meeting for this month was cancelled.


    • ASEC reviewed the preliminary agenda for the February Assembly meeting.
    • There was a brief discussion on whether shared governance groups actually approved the alcohol policy.  Heather M. will consult with the other governance chairs next week.
    • Motion to dissolve the Ad Hoc Committee on HR Design (Moved Jeff. Seconded Jim.).  Motion carried unanimously.
    • ASEC discussed how it would like the Athletic Board Selection Committee to pass along names to ASEC for consideration of the open Athletic Board slot.  ASEC would like to receive a short list of 4-5 candidates.
    • Next ASEC Meeting, January 30, 2014

-February Assembly Agenda-for approval

-Guest: Provost, Steve Stern

Guests: Steve Lund and Catharine DeRubeis, Academic Personnel Office

Catharine and Steve provided ASEC with an update on the Critical Compensation Fund.  They have received several hundred requests for academic staff adjustments from the divisions, and some adjustments are being submitted in phases.  There have been a handful of ESRs created for academic staff who are within 3% of the range maxima.  The divisions seem to be hitting the target for headcount and dollar amount.  The budget office has not yet started running the numbers for other factors like gender, race/ethnicity, etc.

Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) to discuss nominations for the Nominating Committee.  (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)

Reconvened in open session. (Moved. Seconded. Approved.)

Meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff 

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff