Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 07-19-12
2:00-4:30 Thursday, July 19, 2012
67 Bascom Hall
Members Present: Jeff Shokler – Chair, Daña Alder – Vice-Chair; Marwa Bassiouni, Heather Daniels – Past Chair; Denny Hackel, Jim Maynard, Heather McFadden, Robert Newsom, Erin Silva
Guests: Steve Lund, APO; Karen Tusack, CEBC; William Mellon, Brian Fox, Matt Richter
and Kelly Ullrick– Federal Financial Conflict of Interest
Call To Order/Agenda Review:
Chair Jeff Shokler called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m.
Automatic Consent Business
The ASEC minutes of July 12, 2012 were approved.
Announcements/Good Works: Jim Maynard’s work will be featured in the Secretary of the Academic Staff Office art gallery for the fall semester.
Standing Committee Reports:
Karen Tusack, Compensation and Economic Benefits: CEBC was tasked with developing a layoff document in plain language that is a colleague-to-colleague document which has been presented to ASEC and shared with APO for comment. Karen requested clarification of ASEC’s recommendations for the document and raised two issues: should this document be deferred until HR Design is done and what is the best approach to meeting the original intent of the document. ASEC responded that this document will meet the needs of people before the HR design is implemented and that CEBC should work with APO to make certain the information is correct but also meets the colleague-to-colleague goal. The inclusion of a disclaimer clarifying that the document is not from APO might be appropriate.
Guest: William Mellon, Brian Fox, Matt Richter and Kelly Ullrick- Federal Financial Conflict of Interest Reporting: These representatives from the Graduate School presented information on the new regulations for reporting potential financial conflict of interest for researchers. These regulations will require the use of new disclosure forms beginning in January 2013. A summary of these changes is available at ASEC will involve academic staff in learning about these new requirements and testing the new disclosure form by forwarding a message from the Graduate School inviting members of Assembly districts representing researchers and scientists to participate in a beta test of the disclosure form.
General Reports
Jeff Shokler, Chair
Jeff Shokler reported on his meeting with Mark Cook, UC chair to continue the conversation among governance groups. They plan to meet approximately every two weeks and invite the new ASM chair to participate as well. Jeff also reported on his attendance at the Union’s All Academic Staff meeting and expressed an interest in participating in other unit or CASI based meetings of academic staff. He encouraged other ASEC members to consider participating in such meetings.
The ASEC Chair and the Interim Secretary have initiated meetings with the Standing Committee chairs to provide orientation to committee chair responsibility and begin identifying issues in preparation for August 16 planning meeting.
Jeff has received a call from President Reilly to submit the names of four academic staff for the Chancellor search and screen committee. The deadline for submission to President Reilly is September 14. ASEC will review the names of individual nominated for this committee at their September 6 meeting so nominations must be submitted to the Secretary of the Academic Staff office by mid August. Jeff also asked ASEC to schedule an ASEC meeting during Assembly meeting weeks in the fall. ASEC decided these meetings would be on Mondays before the Assembly meeting from 1:30-3:00 (September 10, October 8, November 12, December 10).
Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff: Jo Ann Carr
Jo Ann asked for clarification regarding ASEC’s suggestions about the development of the Academic Staff Assembly Handbook. ASEC indicated they had recommended including only unchanging information (e.g. duties and responsibilities) in the print handbook and referring Assembly members to the web site for all other information. The Secretary’s office will seek the Assembly’s input on this change through the Assembly listserv.
Liaison Reports:
Administrative Excellence-Heather McFadden:
The AE team will be voting on the next areas of emphasis. Heather will distribute the list of areas of emphasis to ASEC for their critical evaluation and input. Some of the potential areas are: IT funding model, printing and copying, consolidation of conference services, research and clinic space leasing, creating a single chart of accounts for reporting purposes (including shadow systems), non-IT core services and a different model for the tech store, research administration, different service models for small portfolios-move to hub model; research process automation.
HR Design-Jeff Shokler: The Advisory Committee declined the opportunity to vote on issues because they are not a decision making body but did agree to revisit issues or questions that have been brought up at earlier meetings if they have been flagged as an issue to revisit. ASEC should consider the development of HR design meetings for academic staff early in the fall and the need to create a page on our site where these documents can be posted. Daña Alder reported that the Diverse Workforce team final report is to be issued tomorrow.
Guest: Steve Lund, Academic Personnel Office: Steve presented and discussed information on Employee Development, Competencies, and Workplace Flexibility, noting that the work team and advisory group still need to hold conversations on Benefits and Workforce Diversity. ASEC presented opinions on the concept of tuition assistance for non-career related classes. ASEC also inquired if a greater focus on the hiring process can substitute for the emphasis on competencies. They also requested data on the number of higher education institutions that use a competency-based approach in HR. ASEC also encouraged the work team and members of the Advisory Committee to consider the perspective of employees in campus departments who are much more like state employees than UW employees.
• HR Design: ASEC briefly discussed resolutions on transition, succession and performance management and noted the need to competencies and performance management in tandem as these areas are closely linked. ASEC members should review the proposed resolutions and be prepared to vote on these at the July 26 meeting.
• PDRC request for increased funding: PDRC has requested an additional $20,000 annually to support Professional Development Grants for Academic Staff; $10,000 to support campus events such as the Academic Staff Institute and the Big Learning Event; and $5000 to support an additional award category: Chancellor’s award for Excellence in Humanities Research. ASEC voted to pursue funding for the new award but will defer requesting additional funding for professional development activities until the impact of HR design changes on the professional development needs of academic staff are better known.
• Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wisc. Stats. 19.85 (1) (c)
- Task Force for Multiple Roles
• Reconvene in Open Session
Meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.
Submitted by Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff