Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 08-16-12
2:00-4:30 Thursday, August 16, 2012
309 Pyle Center
Members present: Daña Alder, Vice-Chair; Marwa Bassiouni, Heather Daniels, Past-Chair; Denny Hackl, Heather McFadden; Jim Maynard, Robert Newsom, Jeff Shokler, Chair; Erin Silva.
Guests: Steve Lund, APO.
The meeting was called to order at 1:59 p.m.
The ASEC minutes of Thursday, August 9, 2012 were approved with minor corrections.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: ASEC will be sending a card to Donna Silver as she enters the hospital.
MENTORING COMMITTEE – The committee is following up on requests to re-match applicants or identify new partners for about ten of the 90 mentoring pairs. The satisfaction survey response rate was 30% and included major recommendations regarding needs to clarify the expectations for the program as well as the roles of mentor and mentees, and create options in the matching process for selecting mentors within or external to divisions.
Chair – Jeff Shokler: Jeff reminded ASEC members of the August 17 meeting with Jim Gray. ASEC will not have a table at the Benefits Fair this year but will ask MASA to distribute our information and to count relevant governance questions as part of their participation. Jeff also reported on his meeting with Darrell Bazzell regarding concerns about misinformation going to classified staff and the lack of efforts to reach classified staff with information about HR design. Jeff and Darrell also discussed workload issues resulting from understaffing: some employees are working two to three positions within one FTE; can’t take vacation or sick leave; and have not had a review in 15 years. Darrell recommends that we convene a group to discuss how to address this problem. Other issues discussed in their meeting included the continued concern regarding the rollout and communication of CCF to academic staff and the need to be more transparent regarding CCF at the School/College level. As APO evaluates the CCF process they should include a feedback loop for campus supervisors to comment on this process.
Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff – Jo Ann Carr: Jo Ann distributed the ASEC operating procedures and noted that they will be posted on the website. She reported that Darrell Bazzell is confirmed to attend the September 24 and October 8 Assembly meetings.
BIPS meeting with AE - Heather Daniels: Heather participated in a meeting with Russell Dimond and Alice Gustafson as a follow-up to the July 26 ASEC meeting. Alice agreed to consider consulting with survey experts on campus when AE is designing and interpreting surveys and will also agreed to indicate when numbers presented were not exact. ASEC continues to have concerns about the selection of priorities as well the need plan for engaging the wider community.
AE-Heather McFadden: Heather shared a report from Russell Dimond who attended AE on behalf of ASEC. The focus of the meeting was on a report from the Enterprise IT work team which is looking widely at all IT which represents 6% of campus budget including centralized services, services within divisions, and services across divisions. Most planning efforts have focused on centralized services and services within divisions rather than services across divisions.
GUEST: Steve Lund, Academic Personnel Office – HR Design: Steve distributed the diverse workforce teams addendum that provided recommendations in five areas: consider diversity broadly; ensure accountability; unit and climate campus; training importance and limitations; and accessibility of HR information to all. ASEC favors compensation that is a hybrid of percentage and specified amount as the campus looks at equity. In response to concerns learned from classified staff, APO has produced a plan for communication, collaboration and change management that has been presented to Darrell.
ASEC and Steve discussed differential implementation of CCF between schools and colleges as well as the difficulty of implementation from the perspective of the supervisor. If CCF is implemented again, then schools and colleges need to consider equitable implementation strategies for small units.
• HR Design:
o Motion to call a special meeting of the Academic Staff Assembly on September 24. Motion approved unanimously.
o Charge for the Ad Hoc HR Design Committee: Heather and Jeff will prepare a charge to be voted on at the next meeting.
o Distribution of information: ASEC directed the Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff provide access to the HR documents from the website.
• Next steps with orientation booklet:
o Motion for ASEC to formally accept the Orientation Timeline 2012-2013 prepared by the Ad Hoc Orientation Booklet Committee. Motion approved unanimously.
o OSAS will send a letter to thank them for their service.
• Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f)
- Committee Appointments/Recommendations:
Approve appointments and reappointments to the Information Technology Committee, the Distinguished Prefix Committee, and the Ad Hoc Committee on Budget Issues, Policies, and Strategies. Passed unanimously.
- Reconvene in Open Session
Adjourned at 4:15 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff