Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 08-23-12
2:00-4:30 p.m. Thursday, August 23, 2012
67 Bascom
Members present: Daña Alder, Vice-Chair; Marwa Bassiouni (by conference call);
Heather Daniels, Past-Chair; Denny Hackel, Heather McFadden, Robert Newsom,
Jeff Shokler, Chair
Members absent: Jim Maynard, Erin Silva
Guests: Deb Brauer, PPPC; Greg Bump, University Communications; Dang Chonwerawong, Steve Lund, APO
The meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m.
The ASEC minutes of Thursday, August 16, 2012 were approved with minor corrections.
ANNOUNCEMENTS/Good Works: Greg Smith, Assistant Dean for the College of Letters and Sciences, and his team received a U.W. System Regents’ Teaching Excellence award for the First Year Interest Groups (FIGS) Program.
Chair – Jeff Shokler: Jeff thanked ASEC members and standing committee chairs for their good work at the planning meeting and requested comments on how the process can be improved. He reviewed the plans for preparing the Assembly’s response to the HR Design draft proposal from campus and reported on a discussion with Jim Grey of the Office of Human Resources (OHR) regarding the use of competencies in the HR Design project.
Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff – Jo Ann Carr reported that Michelle Bass is being hired to serve as the HR Assistant for the Vice Provost for Libraries search and that she will be increasing her own appointment percentage to 75% time as of September 1. She also detailed plans for posting ASEC’s HR design documents on the Academic Staff website.
Budget Issues, Processes and Strategies: Denny Hackel reported on the committee’s meeting with Darrell Bazzell.
University Committee (UC): Heather Daniels reported that the UC is developing a document detailing ten misconceptions regarding the HR Design Project.
GUEST: Steve Lund, Academic Personnel Office – OHR has received documents critical of the HR design project, including a critique from the Teaching Assistants Association (TAA). OHR recognizes the reach of TAA document within the University, the need for clarification of some of the statements presented in this document, and ways in which concerns can be addressed. Steve also noted that some comments and excerpts are based on draft versions of the Work Team reports. Steve also clarified that the Academic Staff Appeals Committee can be considered as the hearing officer as required by state statute. ASEC stressed the importance of consultation with governance groups, a clear role for an Advisory Committee, and effective communication as the HR Design is implemented in order to reduce concerns about transparency. In response to an ASEC concern that the detailed comments and processes generated throughout the HR design process might be loss, Steve indicated that the 158 recommendations from the work teams will be included with comments in the appendix to the proposal being forwarded to the Regents and that, as we move forward, it is important for campus to identify a process for addressing all the recommendations.
· HR Design:
- Charge for Ad Hoc HR Design Committee: ASEC approved the charge for the Ad Hoc HR Design Committee. Moved by Alder, seconded by McFadden. Approved unanimously. [Note: Chair Jeff Shokler left the meeting at this point and Vice-Chair Daña Alder chaired the remainder of the meeting.]
· Approval of September 10 Academic Staff Assembly Agenda-Moved by Heather Daniels, seconded by Marwa Bassiouni. Approved unanimously.
· Orientation meeting for new Assembly Reps and Alternates (for information)
· Next ASEC Meeting, September 6, 2012– for decision
- Discuss potential for formal motions on Competencies
- Discuss membership for HR Design Committee
· Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f). Moved by Heather Daniels, seconded by Robert Newsom. Approved unanimously.
- Committee Appointments/Recommendations– for decision
§ Discussed potential recommendations for Search and Screen Committee for U.W.-Madison Chancellor.
§ Approved nominees for Search and Screen Committee for Dean of the School of Pharmacy. Moved by Heather Daniels, seconded by Robert Newsom. Approved unanimously.
· Reconvene in Open Session. Moved by Heather McFadden, seconded by Robert Newsom. Approved unanimously.
Vice-Chair Daña Alder adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m.
Submitted by Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff.