Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 09-27-12

Approved 10-3-2012



2:00-4:30 p.m. Thursday, September 27, 2012
67 Bascom

Members present: Daña Alder, Vice-Chair; Marwa Bassiouni, Denny Hackel, Heather McFadden, Robert Newsom, Jeff Shokler, Chair; Erin Silva.

Members absent: Heather Daniels, Past-Chair; Jim Maynard.

Guests: Darrell Bazzell, Vice-Chancellor for Administration; Russell Dimond, BIPS; Steve Lund, APO; Kristen Haakenson, Mentoring; Don Schutt, OHRD Director.

Chair Jeff Shokler called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m.

The ASEC minutes of Thursday, September 20, 2012, were approved with minor corrections.


-   Mentoring Committee – Kristen Haakenson shared the packet of resource provided at the Mentoring Kick-off. The Committee is addressing issues of concerns from mentees about the appropriateness of their mentor. They are also identifying additional resources for the program. They would appreciate activities by ASEC to encourage supervisor support for participants in the program.

-   Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Staff with Multiple Roles – Robert Newsom/Bill Tishler: The committee is working to define the scope of multiple roles which they will be able to address.

-   Ad Hoc HR Design Committee-Heather Daniels/Robert Newsom:  The committee will finish the last report on Tuesday, draft a white paper on Wednesday, and present a rough draft to ASEC on Thursday, October 4.


Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff – Jo Ann Carr: Assembly members are communicating with their districts on HR Design. PDRC is taking steps to implement the online submission system. Planning for the Academic Staff Institute has begun.

PROVOST UPDATE: Paul Deluca:  The Provost recognized that the move from very detailed work in the work teams and over the summer to the high level view in the HR Strategic Plan is causing anxiety.  He reminded ASEC that academic staff names for the Letters and Science Dean Search and Screen Committee are needed as soon as possible. He also announced that the target date for a new online calendar is summer 2013 and that the transition to the new calendar system needs to be efficient and effective.

GUEST: Darrell Bazzell, Vice Chancellor for Administration: Expressed his appreciation for the Assembly discussion on HR Design as the content was excellent, people ware engaged, respectful, and listened to the presentation carefully. He echoed the recognition that many concerns remain with the details and that the campus needs to work toward processes and timelines to address those questions and fears. ASEC commented that the comparison with other institutions is not being presented with the stated goal of U.W.-Madison being an employer of choice. Darrell reemphasized that the benchmarking will look at benefits as part of compensation and that the campus will address reconciliation across lines to better align different benefits packages for different staff categories. There will probably not be any changes in benefits until July 1, 2014.  Darrell also stated that it is important to have our own benefits' program so we can enhance benefits. Work team recognition recommendations have not yet been reconciled with the other aspects of the plan. Darrell and Steve Lund indicated that governance groups would be consulted in developing the RFP for the compensation study and in the selection process.

The Vice-Chancellor also encouraged ASEC to discuss non-tenure track faculty titles with the University Committee and the Provost.  In response to concerns raised by Assembly members regarding Bascom accessibility issues, Darrell advised ASEC to meet with the director of transportation.

Don Schutt and Steve Lund presented the “HR System Design Communication, Collaboration, Change Management and Training Plan Overview”.  Don discussed the development of the plan and efforts to identify the current sources of information used by specific population groups in order to develop appropriately targeted information. ASEC again stressed the importance of linking the particular work team recommendations to the text in the plan to make the connection between the process of vetting and discussion to the HR Strategic Plan.


·       HR Design: Business discussed above.

·       Approval of Assembly Agenda for October 8:[ Moved by Daña Alder, seconded by Marwa Bassiouni. Approved]

·       Next ASEC Meeting, October 4, 2012– for decision: Draft agenda was discussed.

·       Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) [Moved by Daña Alder. Seconded by Robert Newsom]

-   Committee Appointments/Recommendations– for decision

§  Appoint Brian Deith and Sheila Stoeckel to the Ad Hoc HR Design committee. [Moved by Daña Alder. Seconded by Robert Newsom. Approved unanimously]

§  Appoint James Hardy as Representative for Assembly District 402. [Moved by Denny Hackel. Seconded by Erin Silva. Approved unanimously.]

§  Discuss the process for identifying recommendations for the Letters and Science Dean Search and Screen Committee.


-   Reconvene in Open Session [Moved by Heather MacFadden. Seconded by Robert Newsom.]

Adjourned at 4:32 p.m.


Submitted by Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff