Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 10-25-12
ASEC Minutes
Thursday, October 25, 2012
2:00-4:30 PM
Bascom Hall, Room 67
Members Present: Daña Alder, Vice-Chair, Heather Daniels, Past-Chair; Denny Hackel, Robert Newsom, Jeff Shokler, Chair, Erin Silva
Members Absent: Marwa Bassiouni, Jim Maynard, Heather McFadden
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by chair, Jeff Shokler
The ASEC minutes of Thursday, October 18, 2012, were approved as distributed.
Provost Update: Paul DeLuca
· Flu Vaccine Issue
Paul has not received a response to his telephone call to Elizabeth Bolt, Associate Dean at the School of Medicine and Public Health. He feels that this is a boundary issue, and as such should be reconsidered. SMPH has not checked into the ramifications of non-compliance and the deadline of December 1, 2012, which is of immediate concern. The Center for Disease Control has policies and should also be consulted as to how to manage and give guidance on areas of personal conflict. That being said, the timing is late for the flu vaccine issue.
· Executive Order #54 – Relating to Supplemental Mandatory Reporting Requirements of Child Abuse and Neglect
The committee has reported and written a comprehensive document on what UW Madison’s responsibilities are. If you have an issue here at UW – it must be reported. A training module will be web-based and is 90% done. This order will touch all areas: campus website, deans and directors, department chairs, individual mailings to employees. Formal communication may come directly from the Chancellor and the deadline is December 1, 2012.
· Post-mortem on the Presidential Visit
Paul asked that ASEC email any communications on the President’s recent visit to Vince Sweeney. There is general displeasure with the process of ticket distribution, and he discussed some question as to how the location was chosen as well as the amount of information required when requesting a ticket. However, this was a tremendous opportunity for our UW students as well as an opportunity to display our campus.
Guests: Aaron Brower Interim Provost at UW-Extension and Rebecca Karoff, Special Assistant to the UW-System President
Aaron gave an overview of the Flexible Degree Program:
· Last summer it was announced by the governor and Kevin Reilly that a flexible degree program would be developed; with the goal to offer a degree from a UW institution in a flexible format. The timing of this announcement was not ideal, but the interest has been strong; intent is to create quality educational options with strong learning goals.
· The program’s name is confusing in that this is really a flexible option to existing degrees and not a new flexible degree. The degree will be standard (including shared governance approvals), but attained in a flexible manner.
· The intended rollout for this program will be next fall and institutions will formally announce commitments sometime after November 5, 2012.
ASEC commented that student services will be an important part of this program and advisors will have a critical role. ASEC recommended that students would make an important contribution to this program and asked about the faculty/staff over-site role.
Jeff Shokler asked Aaron to return in the Spring and update ASEC on this important program.
· Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee – Jenny Dahlberg/Karen Tusack
- Michele Mickelson presented the layoff notice document that committee has been working on for approximately one year. They have the following concerns:
§ Manner of distribution
§ The committee would like this document supplied with the layoff notice letter.
§ They would like prominent placement of this document on the academic staff website.
§ Question raised by Daña Alder as to why someone would not be compensated for their last day of work (see which page three. No answer known on this question.
- Jeff Shokler received this document on the part of ASEC and it will now be placed on ASEC’s agenda for formal approval next week. Jeff thanked this committee for all of their hard work.
Districting and Representation Committee – Brian Deith
- Brian informed ASEC of the districting process as it is currently and the new proposed process.
- Question arose as to whether this work should be moved to the Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff rather than overseen by a standing committee.
- Test on this system should take place in December; formal announcement not made until testing completed.
- Question arose as to whether server location should change. DRC is re-doing many processes with regard to this issue.
- 3270 transactions will no longer be visible in the new system; however, this should not be a problem.
- Gene Masters will take Mark Werner’s position; Jeff asked that this committee think about the sustainability issue.
- Discussion regarding quality and accuracy of data supplied took place. Brian stated that data should not be via email, but rather by supplying as ‘snapshot’ from a server.
Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Staff with Multiple Roles – Robert Newsom
- Robert stated that the committee needs an example of white paper as a new subject rather than a ‘response white paper’.
- Question arose as to composition of this committee because some of the members thought that faculty would be part of the committee. Jeff will look into this.
Chair – Jeff Shokler
- Voter registration will be something we can work on in time and a university policy is needed.
- UW System Conference date is July 25/26, 2012.
- Jeff met with Dan Koetke, Vice Chancellor for Administration, who has been assigned to us as HR Design project liaison. He will not replace Steve Lund, but will provide an additional resource and support in communicating with academic staff. He will offer help in augmenting our communications. Jeff will be meeting with the Communications Committee to enlist their help as well.
- Jeff spoke with Mark Cook of University Communications; we are planning a joint University Communications/ASEC joint meeting in November before the Assembly Meeting: November 12, 2012 – 1:30-3:00 PM. Multiple roles will be among the topics discussed.
Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff – Jo Ann Carr, Update given by Mary Johansen
- Michael Feldman has agreed to speak at the Academic Staff Institute on March 1, 2013.
- Vice Provost for University Libraries Committee has selected finalists.
- CASI annual fall meeting will be held on December 11, 2012
· HR Design Resolution – for discussion
- Discussion of edits to HR Design Resolution discussed
- Discussion of addendum; edits/changed. Will finalize for adoption at next week’s ASEC meeting.
- Discussed questions for next week’s Chancellor’s visit. One possible question: what could we have done to help the Chancellor.
Next ASEC Meeting, November 1, 2012– for decision
The meeting was adjourned at 4:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Johansen, Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff.