Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 11-01-12

Approved November 8, 2012

2:00-4:30 p.m. Thursday, November 1, 2012 
Bascom Hall, Room 67

Members Present: Daña Alder, Vice-Chair; Marwa Bassiouni, Heather Daniels, Past-Chair; Denny Hackel, Heather McFadden, Jim Maynard, Robert Newsom, Jeff Shokler, Chair; Erin Silva.

Guests: Jan Cheetham, Sonya Sedivy, Karen Tusack, Interim Chancellor David Ward.

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m.

Guest: Chancellor David Ward: The Chancellor discussed campus plans for blended learning and the potential for joining other major research universities is the use of COURSERA. The Chancellor noted that several faculty and staff interested in blended learning could be supported by the education initiative budget. In response to an ASEC inquiry regarding the status of the WARF allocation committee, the chancellor indicated that the role and membership of this committee is still developing and ASEC should discuss the role for academic staff with the University Committee. 
The chancellor also responded to an ASEC question regarding an article written by a student about an alleged rape on campus by indicating that he is working with Lori Berquam, Dean of Students, to better understand the issue. The chancellor also reminded ASEC that federal regulations prohibit intervention if not reported. Still looking into to determine what went wrong.

The chancellor identified the qualities he sees useful in the next chancellor as the ability to separate leadership style from agenda/content; the understanding that this is an institution where feedback is very valuable and governance legitimizes process, and the ability to recognize the complexity of the institution. The next chancellor should also understand the short term and middle term challenges in higher education as well as have the vision and capacity to persuade and encourage people to think about alternatives.

ASEC had inquired about the relationship between the chancellor and academic staff governance. The chancellor expressed the opinion that any candidate for chancellor should be aware of the competency and excellence of academic staff and the depth they bring to the university. He also indicated that ASEC and other governance units share responsibility for representative democracy and can play a strong role in implementation. Other issues discussed included the request to ASEC from WisPirg and planning for the Chancellor’s Council meeting in November.

Provost Update: The Provost indicated that campus leadership is coming to closure on HRS and that he is still working on the WiscNet issue. He expects a resolution on the SMPH flu vaccination requirement within a week. ASEC asked for clarification on the information that would be useful to him regarding candidates for leadership positions. In response the Provost responded he is interested in learning ASEC’s opinion on whether these individuals have the skill set, agenda and approach that will advance their school, college, or division. The Provost also indicated that a new diversity plan will be presented to governance by the late spring.

Guests: Jan Cheetham and Sonya Sedivy, Ad Hoc Committee on the Impact of the Budget Repair Bill: The co-chairs reviewed the drafts of their committee’s full report as well as an executive summary. This committee was formed over a year ago to examine the impacts of Act 10 increases in retirement and health insurance premiums on people’s financial wellbeing. The committee conducted a survey as well as online interviews. The responses to the survey and interviews centered around on the themes of instability in housing, strains in morale, and impacts on interpersonal relationships. The committee also suggested that an area of future study might be the impact of Act 10 on the number of requests for title changes.

The ASEC minutes for Tuesday, October 25, 2012, were approved with minor corrections. 
Assembly Standing Committee Chair Reports: 
CEBC: Karen Tusack reported on the numerous CEBC projects and their need for additional members. ASEC suggested that they may wish to add consultants to work on specific projects and/or providing a proposal to ASEC and PPPC to increase the membership of the committee or to separate CEBC into separate committees for salary and benefits.

General Reports
Chair: Jeff Shokler: Heather Daniels will attend the UW System Representatives meeting tomorrow. 

Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff: Jo Ann Carr: ASEC members have been scheduled for meetings with the VP for Libraries candidates. The ASEC/CASI meeting is scheduled for December 11 at the Pyle Center.


  • HR Design Resolution: Motion to approve the HR Design Resolution and the addendum. (Moved by Robert Newsom. Seconded by Daña Alder) Approved with one no vote.
  • CEBC Layoff Document: Motion to accept with the edits made (Heather Daniels/Robert Newsome) Approved.
  • Approval of November 12 Assembly Agenda: Motion to approve (Marwa Bassiouni/Denny Hackel) Approved.
  • Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) (Daña Alder/Robert Newsom)
    • Committee Appointments/Recommendations– for decision Motion to approve the appointment of Denise Zang to the
    • CEBC.(Moved by Erin Silva. Seconded by Robert Newsom) Approved.
  • Reconvene in Open Session (Moved by Daña Alder. Seconded by Robert Newsom)

Adjourned at 4:31 p.m.

Submitted by Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff.

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff