Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 11-08-12
2:00-4:30, Thursday, November 8
Bascom Hall, Room 67
Members present: Daña Alder, Vice-Chair; Heather Daniels, Past-Chair; Denny Hackel, Heather McFadden, Jim Maynard, Robert Newsom, Erin Silva.
Members not present: Marwa Bassiouni, Jeff Shokler, Chair.
Guests: Jenny Dahlberg, BIPS/CEBC; David McDonald, Chair of the Chancellor’s Search and Screen Committee; Dija Selimi, Mentoring, Steve Stern, Associate Vice Chancellor.
The meeting was called to order at 2:08 p.m.
The minutes of Thursday, November 1, and Wednesday, November 7, were approved with minor corrections.
General reports:
Vice-Chair: Daña Alder: Daña asked for ASEC members to attend the Chancellor’s Council meeting on Friday, November 16 from 8:00-9:30 in Agriculture Room of Union South.
Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff: Jo Ann Carr: Mary Johansen has received a well-deserved reclassification from Program Assistant Confidential to Program Assistant Confidential-Advanced. November 12 is the deadline for professional development grant proposals, 15 of the 33 proposals received to date have been sent back due to incomplete information. The Omsbuds reported a number of inquiries from staff regarding the CCF process.
Guest: Steve Stern: Steve discussed the faculty senate decision not to vote on the HR design at their November 5 meeting and encouraged ASEC members to attend the December 3 Faculty Senate meeting. Steve next shared the news that there was a data integrity failure on race and ethnic data for faculty and staff from when HRS came online. A working group is addressing this issue in order to have the appropriate data needed for evaluation of CCF, the HRDSP, and other activities. Steve also alerted ASEC that Institutional Review Boards (IRB) issues may arise in the future as a result of national debate on whether IRB’s have been facilitators or restrictors on research. Steve hopes to begin a campus conversation on this topic. Steve also shared ASEC’s concern regarding the UWS code of conduct and asked ASEC to let Steve know if there is anything he can do to help address the language and issues in this document. He recently met with the Ad Hoc Committee on Budget Issues, Policies and Strategies (BIPS) who should receive CCF data sometime in December.
Assembly Standing Committee Chair Reports
BIPS: Jenny Dahlberg reported that the CCF evaluation would examine differences in funding source, titles/title families, category, gender, and minority status/age of staff. BIPS may supplement the data analysis with a survey for qualitative information.
CEBC: Jenny Dahlberg reported that CEBC might establish a subcommittee to examine the newly announced co-pay differences based on specific conditions, academic staff pay plan portfolio, and subcommittee to evaluate CCF.
Guest: David McDonald, Chair, U.W. Madison Chancellor Search and Screen: David thanked ASEC for recommending Aaron Bird Bear and Heather Daniels to the committee and briefed ASEC on the search process. The committee is at the end of the information-gathering phase and has examined and approved a full position description as well as bullet point for ads. The committee has also met with the Office of Diversity and Equity and with Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute (WISELI). Each committee member has been charged to identify 20 people for nomination. The application deadline is December 21, 2012; the committee will identify top candidates in January, and conduct preliminary off-campus interviews in February. In early to mid February a limited number of candidates will be invited for on-campus interviews. UW System hopes to announce the new chancellor at the April 5 Board of Regents meeting. The committee is developing a list of interview questions and David asked ASEC’s assistance in identifying questions reflecting the concerns of academic staff. ASEC inquired about the attributes the committee is looking for in candidates and stressed the importance of understanding the Wisconsin context for shared governance.
• HR Design: The Ad Hoc Committee on HR Design will be asked to review the HR Design Strategic Plan document released on November 21 and alert ASEC to the need for action.
• Academic Staff Governance Statement for Chancellor’s Search committee: Heather will draft a statement for review by ASEC.
• Acceptance of Ad Hoc Budget impact report: Deferred.
• Approval of December 10 Assembly Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda as revised. (Moved by Robert Newsom. Seconded by Heather Daniels. Approved.)
• Next ASEC meetings: November 12, November 15 (tentative) and November 29.
• Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) [Moved by Heather Daniels. Seconded by Erin Silva. Approved.]
o Committee Appointments/Recommendations –for decision. Decision deferred until November 12.
o Reconvene in Open Session: Moved by Heather Daniels. Seconded by Robert Newsom. Approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:29 p.m.
Submitted by Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff.