Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 11-29-12

Approved 12-6-12


2:00-4:30, Thursday, November 29, 2012 
Bascom Hall, Room 67


Members present: Daña Alder, Vice-Chair; Marwa Bassiouni, Heather Daniels, Past-Chair; Denny Hackel, Heather McFadden, Jim Maynard, Robert Newsom, Jeff Shokler, Chair; Erin Silva


Guests: Russell Dimond, BIPS; Patrick Kass, Director Transportation Services; Brit Moes, Vice-Chair for ASM Diversity Committee; Sam Seering, Chair, ASM Shared Governance Committee


The meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m.


The minutes of Thursday, November 8 and Monday November 12 were approved.


ANNOUNCEMENTS/Good Works: ASEC presented a certificate to Robert Newsom for his exemplary work on the Ad Hoc HR Design Committee.


General reports:


Chair: Jeff Shokler: Jeff announced that Donna Silver’s earliest return date will be in March. Jeff attended the Campus Diversity Climate Committee meeting to speak to the role of shared governance in assisting with drafting the next campus diversity plan. The January 10 ASEC meeting will focus on the issue of sustainability in a time of increasing workloads. Jeff asked ASEC members to let him know of nominations for the new ASEC Vice-Chair. Jeff provided updates on the Chancellor’s shared governance breakfast with the Chancellor’s cabinet and the resolution of the flu vaccine issue


Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff: Jo Ann Carr: The University Committee on Women plans to become a joint governance committee with six academic staff representatives. The Academic Staff Endowment fund has received a donation of $150 from Jacob and Kristin Hutchinson. Academic staff representatives to the Labor Licensing Policy Committee will meet with ASEC on January 24.


Assembly Standing Committee Chair Reports 
Ad Hoc Committee on Budget Issues, Policies, and Strategies (BIPS) and Compensation and Benefits Committee (CEBC): These committees have identified individuals to serve as consultants for the evaluation of the Critical Compensation Fund (CCF). ASEC members are invited to attend the kickoff meeting for this discussion. The committees held a joint meeting with the faculty compensation commission who shared their process and tentative results. ASEC recommend looking at adapting their questions to academic staff. The CCF evaluation will include a survey, a detailed case study on one school or college or division, and data analysis. 
Provost Update: The Provost announced that the Engineering Dean search is almost finalized. ASEC thanked the Provost for his leadership on finding an acceptable solution to the flu vaccine requirement. ASEC asked about UW Madison’s role for flexible degree program; the Provost indicated that UW Madison was going to take a longer-term view of this.


• HR Design: The Ad Hoc Committee met on Tuesday to review the revised report and identified four minor areas of concern: the need for information about academic staff switching to university staff; more inclusive language on the importance of faculty and staff; information on training for compensation decisions; and the use of living wage for contract employees. Steve Lund from APO provided responses and clarifications on these issues. Steve also reported that the executive summary of the report with a link to the full report has been sent to the Board of Regents. The Business and Finance Committee will discuss the report and bring a motion for action to the full Board of Regents.


• Acceptance of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Impact of the Budget Repair Bill Final Report: Motion to accept the report. [Moved by Heather Daniels. Seconded by Robert Newsome. Approved.] 
• Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) [Moved by Daña Alder. Seconded by Heather Daniels. Approved.] 
  - Committee Appointments/Recommendations –for decision. 
    - Student Academic Misconduct Hearing Panel and Student Hearing Examiners: Motion to appoint Cynthia A. Holzmann to the Student Academic Misconduct Hearing Panel and appoint Michelle E. Young to the Student Hearing Examiners Panel. [Moved by Daña Alder. Seconded by Heather Daniels. Approved.] 
    - BIPS/CEBC: Motion to appoint consultants to BIPS and CEBC working groups on CCF. [Moved by Heather Daniels. Seconded by Daña Alder. Motion approved.] 
    - EI Advisory Committee: Motion to appoint Jim Maynard and Erin Silva as the representatives and Heather McFadden as alternate. [ASEC individuals under consideration for this committee recused themselves for this discussion and vote. Moved by Robert Newsom. Seconded by Denny Hackel. Approved with one abstention.] 
• Reconvene in Open Session: [Moved by Robert Newsom. Seconded by Daña Alder. Approved.]


Guest: Patrick Kass: Patrick indicated that Transportation Services has been working to bring campus into compliance with federal law on the ratio of van-accessible versus auto accessible parking for those with disabilities and to provide these spaces in locations where they are most needed. ASEC requested educational efforts to encourage individuals to consider their level of mobility in using van accessible spaces and inquired about the potential for making the gated area in lot 11 accessible to those with disability parking. ASEC and Patrick also discussed funding models for campus transportation and the impact of changes in bus routes on employee productivity and the impact of geographic changes on campus and the aging employee population in transportation planning. ASEC and Patrick then engaged in a discussion of parking issues including the parking funding for athletics, the placement of gates in lot 46, and the loss of parking spaces next to Memorial Union.


Guest: Sam Seering, Chair, ASM Shared Governance Committee: Brit Moes, Vice Chair for Diversity Committee and candidate for Chair for ASM Shared Governance: Sam and Brit led a conversation on ways for ASEC and ASM to collaborate on shared governance issues. They updated ASEC on recent ASM activities including the HR design, transportation services, the development of a new campus diversity plan, and the role of shared governance on this campus. ASM has passed a resolution on transportation services on campus that requests an investigation of the transportation services budget and examination of alternate funding models. ASM would also like to work with ASEC and governance groups on creating a shared governance committee that deals with political activities, political events, voter registration, and other issues. ASM would like this committee to be established by Fall 2013. Sam noted that the meetings among the governance leaders have been very helpful and that institutionalizing joint discussions among ASM, ASEC, UC, and University Staff should be explored. 

The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.


Submitted by Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff.

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff