Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 01-24-13

Approved 1-31-2013

ASEC Minutes 
2:00-4:30 p.m. Thursday, January 24, 2013 
Bascom Hall, Room 67

Members Present: Marwa Bassiouni, Denny Hackel, Jim Maynard, Robert Newsom, Jeff Shokler, Chair, Erin Silva, Heather Daniels, Past-Chair, Heather McFadden.

Guests: Robin Kurtz, ASEC Member-Designate; Steve Lund, Academic Personnel Office; Steve Stern, Vice-Provost for Faculty and Staff; Damon Williams, Vice-Provost for Diversity, Climate and Educational Achievement.

Chair Jeff Shokler call the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.

The minutes of January 10, 2013, were approved.

Jeff Shokler introduced Robin Kurtz who will be filling Daña Alder’s vacancy pending approval.

General Reports 
Denny Haskel, CNCS: Discussed topics on HR Design and the emeriti statement. 
Heather Daniels, UW System Academic Staff Reps Council- Reported that U.W. Oshkosh academic staff will not be taking action regarding the removal of rolling horizon appointments in Oshkosh. 
Heather Daniels, Chancellor Search & Screen Committee – Documents describing the governance units have been provided to the committee.

Guest: Steve Lund, Director, Academic Personnel Office, discussed policies regarding the implementation of the HR Design plan. The February 7, 2013, deadline for bringing a final proposal for titles and ranges for current employees to the Board of Regents has been extended. Overview of policies must reflect what is in HR Design plan and nothing more. The Board of Regents do not need to approve, but must review; so details must be filled in and governance work accomplished before going forward.

Steve discussed additional details and how some areas would impact us: recruitment policy has no impact; grievance impacts all of us, workplace safety, applies to academic staff but contains nothing new. Discussion took place regarding vacancies and proposed changes as new employees are hired. It was noted that consistency is important to stay in line with the Wisconsin Statute. 

Paul DeLuca discussed recruitment of a new Secretary of the Academic Staff and distributed the updated position vacancy description. He asked that ASEC send any concerns/requests to both himself and Eden Inoway-Ronnie.

Guest: Steve Stern, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff 
Steve discussed the data collection and analysis for the Critical Compensation Fund (CCF); the data is still raw, but he will have numbers he is confident of in approximately one week. He requested a return visit with ASEC in the middle of February in order to translate information in a more meaningful way. He offered that the next round we must have a tool in place or state plan to educate ourselves and have requirements that departments meet their targets. Heather McFadden suggested that Steve visit the Academic Staff Assembly to report on CCF in April or May.

Guest: Damon Williams, Vice Provost for Diversity and Climate, 
Damon discussed the diversity plan preparation and how this plan must build on the HR Design process, adding accountability, resources and the ability to translate the leadership to paper. Jim Maynard questioned Damon as to how diversity would be measured on such a large campus. Further discussion included the definition of diversity.

General Reports 
Jeff Shokler, ASEC Chair 
Mary Johansen, Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff: Our office will ask MASA for Sponsorship of the art gallery opening reception. The Excellence Awards nominees are now being reviewed by PDRC. University roundtable planning is underway.

Guest: Eden Inoway-Ronnie, Chief of Staff, Provost’s Office 
Eden offered additional discussion regarding the search for the new Secretary of the Academic Staff and timing for posting the position vacancy listing. Eden asked for comments to be sent to her and Paul. Mary will forward the updated PVL to ASEC.


  • Convene in closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) 
    -   Motion to appoint Heather Daniels and Denny Hackel to Advisory Committee on HR Design Implementation. (Heather McFadden moved. Motion approved.)
  • Reconvene in open session.
  • Resolution in honor of Donna Silver. (Marwa Bassiouni moved. Motion approved.)

Adjourned at 4:50 pm. 
Minutes submitted by Mary Johansen, Office of the Secretary of the Academic Staff.

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff