Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 01-31-13
ASEC Minutes
2:00-4:30 p.m. Thursday, January 31, 2013
Bascom Hall, Room 67
Members Present: Marwa Bassiouni, Heather Daniels, Past-Chair; Denny Hackel (by conference call), Heather McFadden, Vice-Chair; Jim Maynard, Jeff Shokler, Chair; Erin Silva.
Members Absent: Robert Newsom
Guests: Lori Berquam, Dean of Students; Jenny Dahlberg, CEBC; Robin Kurtz, ASEC member-designate; Steve Lund, Academic Personnel Office; Chris Olsen, Interim Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning.
Jeff Shokler called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
- Review the February 11 Academic Staff Assembly Agenda.
- Convene in closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) (Moved by Heather McFadden. Motion approved.)
- Nominate Marwa Bassiouni for Administrative Legal Services Search and Screen Committee. (Moved by Jim Maynard. Motion approved.)
- Motion to elect Heather McFadden as Vice Chair for the remainder of the 2012-2013 ASEC year. (Moved by Jim Maynard. Motion approved) [Note: Candidates for Vice Chair recused themselves during this discussion and vote.] - Reconvene in open session. (Moved by Jim Maynard. Motion approved.)
Paul DeLuca: The Provost discussed the search for the director of administrative legal services. He is also addressing some issues from the snow-closing day to be better prepared for the next such incident. He is continuing to work on the transition to a new calendar system. ASEC asked about the implications of the overpayment of the retirement and health insurance funds by U.W. System. The Provost indicated that the challenge is addressing the public relations fallout from this overpayment.
Guest: Steve Lund, Director, Academic Personnel Office: Steve assured that no changes will be made to the definition of Academic Staff in the HR Design. He also reviewed and asked for comments on the charge to the Advisory Committee on HR Design Implementation. Steve discussed some of the potential approaches to address the issue of accommodating the move of formerly classified exempt positions into academic staff. ASEC would like the opportunity to review the titles that are being moved and stressed the need for clarity in communicating which positions will be considered for the movement. ASEC also encouraged APO to have the same promotional series for these new titles as exist for current academic staff titles.
Guest: Chris Olsen, Interim Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning: Chris introduced himself to the members of ASEC in his new role as the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning in which he is using his 21 years of experience in the School of Veterinary Medicine. Current initiatives include moving the Biology major from the Institute for Biology Education (IBE) to an academic department; redesigning the Teaching and Learning (TLE) website; discussing the development of a Center for Advanced Teaching and Learning; and facilitating undergraduate research as a high impact opportunity. ASEC asked about the budget impact for the new administrative structure for Biology as well as on the impact on IBE. ASEC also encouraged the inclusion of ethical training for undergraduate researchers and the importance of research skills in job markets beyond the campus. Chris informed ASEC about the Chancellors’ Alcohol Policy Group, chaired by Sarah Van Orman., which is developing a universal education program around alcohol use. ASEC asked for a consideration of religious beliefs as the program is developed so that the focus is on the culture of drinking. Chris also updated ASEC on MOOCS and indicated that campus is working through a draft contract with Coursera.
Guest: Lori Berquam, Dean of Students: Dean Berquam provided an overview of the Division of Student Life (DSL). Some current priorities are addressing the mental health needs on campus and addressing students who are involved with alcohol below the legal limit as well as the universal training for alcohol. ASEC stressed the importance of getting information out to academic staff about mental health resources and to communicate their role in support of graduate students. The DSL is also rolling out a mobile app for hate and bias reporting.
General Reports
Jeff Shokler: The charge for a budget committee is being reviewed by campus before the committee moves forward.
Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff: The deadline for the Ann Wallace award has been extended and the timeframe for individuals to be considered for the award will be revised for the 2014 award. The Executive Education Grants will be announced soon. Planning is moving forward for the March 1, 2013, Academic Staff Institute. The office will be hiring student staff members to assist with special projects as we prepare for the new Secretary of the Academic Staff.
The minutes of January 24, 2013, were approved with corrections.
Chair Jeff Shokler adjourned the meeting at 4:33 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff.