Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 02-21-13

Approved 2-28-13


2:00-4:30 Thursday, February 21, 2013

67 Bascom Hall

Members present: Heather Daniels, Past-Chair; Jim Maynard, Heather McFadden, Vice-Chair; Robert Newsom, Jeff Shokler, Chair

Members absent: Marwa Bassiouni, Denny Hackel, Erin Silva

Guests: Darrell Bazzell, Vice Chancellor for Administration; Eden Inoway-Ronnie, Provosts-Office; Robin Kurtz, ASEC Member-Designate, Diane Turner, LLPC; Karen Tusack, CEBC; Sarah Van Orman, UHS/Campus Public Health Officer.

Chair Jeff Shokler called the meeting to order at 2:12 p.m.

The minutes for Thursday, February 11, 2013, were approved as distributed.


            ASEC Chair: Jeff Shokler: Members of the academic staff have shared concerns about some implementation decisions and capabilities for the Office 365 e-mail system so representatives from this program are being invited to an upcoming Assembly meeting. Jeff shared information about the campus memo regarding weapons possession during off-campus field trips. PDRC has been informed that their request for funding was not forwarded to the Chancellor. The CCF data should be distributed to the CEBC/BIPS working groups in mid-March.

            Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff – Jo Ann Carr: There are now 8,011 academic staff members, 183 of whom have registered for the academic staff institute. All twenty registrations for the Big Learning Institute have been used. The PDRC call for proposals for the next round of professional development grants have been sent out with brown bags scheduled for March 5th and 6th.  A Doodle poll to schedule the spring meeting with the CASI’s will be sent soon. The Office of the Academic Staff has hired two student staff.

            AE-Heather McFadden: A future state decision making team has been appointed to review IT decisions. ASEC will want to make certain that this team reflect broad needs as well as IT needs.

            UW Systems Representatives-Heather McFadden: The theme of the U.W. System wide conference this summer is the  “Changing nature of higher education”.  The Representatives Council also discussed appointment types for academic staff.  


            CEBC: Karen Tusack asked about the status of the System Fringe Benefits Advisory Committee. She also asked which shared governance committee addresses issues of changes in faculty and instructor’s ownership of intellectual property in a distance learning environment as well as student uploading of faculty documents to CourseHero.

 Guest: Diane Turner, LLPC:  Diane reviewed the committee’s discussions regarding Palermo and the PT Kizone situation in Indonesia.  ASEC and Diane then engaged in a discussion about a perceived pattern of LLPC going public with issues before investigations have been completed and the decision making processes to investigation has been completed. The discussion included a clarification of the responsibility that academic staff members of committees have to ASEC and the Assembly.  ASEC asked that as the representative of academic staff that Diane communicate plans made by LLPC with ASEC and the Assembly and to share LLPC minutes with ASEC.  ASEC thanked Diane for her service.

 PROVOST OFFICE UPDATE: Eden Inoway-Ronnie: The Search and Screen Committee for the Secretary of the Academic Staff includes Marwa Bassiouni, Mo Bischof, Bruno Browning, Barb Gerloff, Robin Kurtz, Kevin Niemi, Jeff Shokler, and Brenda Spychalla as Chair. ASEC recommended that the PVL be posted on campus and on the other UW System campuses. The committee will be asked to nominate 3-5 unranked candidates for the position. The committee and ASEC should work together to develop a public presentation so the candidates can meet with academic staff across campus.

[ASEC lost quorum at this point of the meeting-discussion continued with guests.]

Guests: Darrell Bazzell and Sarah Van Orman:  Sarah reviewed the work of a special committee to review campus policy and practices regarding the serving of alcohol at university events. The new policies address the serving as alcohol at catered events or those held at a licensed venue as well as the serving of alcohol by university employees at university events (whether on or off campus).  The new policy places more authority and responsibility for granting permits for serving alcohol by a non-licensed university employee at the School/College/Division level; prohibits the serving of alcohol if two thirds of the participants are below the legal drinking age, and limits groups to smaller than 50 individuals.

ASEC asked about the records retention schedule for Alcohol Beverage Service Permits and the need for careful delineation of penalties and responsibility.

BUSINESS (Deferred until February 28th due to lack of quorum.)

·      Convene in closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Stats. 19.85(1)( c), and (f)to dsicuss Nominating Committee slate and committee appointments

·      Reconvene in open session

·      Discussion of academic staff assembly engagement

·         Discussion of Chancellor’s Search

·         Discussion of University Committee response to LCLC.

·         Suggestion that PPPC begin work on progression series for titling

Adjourned at 4:02.

Submitted by Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff.

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff