Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 04-04-13
2:00-4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 4, 2013
67 Bascom
Members present: Marwa Bassiouni, Heather Daniels, Past-Chair; Denny Hackel, Robin Kurtz, Jim Maynard, Heather McFadden, Vice-Chair; Robert Newsom, Jeff Shokler, Chair; Erin Silva
Guests: Jenny Dahlberg, CEBC; Russell Dimond, BIPS; Eden Inoway-Ronnie, Chief of Staff, Office of the Provost; Steve Lund, Academic Personnel Office; Lillian Tong, Ad Hoc Diversity Plan Committee; Karen Tusack, CEBC
Jeff Shokler called the meeting to order at 2:00
The ASEC minutes for Thursday, March 28, 2013 were approved as distributed.
- Briefing sheet for Chancellor Blank: ASEC identified key issues to be presented in the briefing book being prepared for Chancellor Blank. Jeff will draft a document based on these notes and share with ASEC before forwarding to the Chancellor’s Office.
- Identification of topics for meeting with Chancellor Ward on April 25: ASEC will provide a formal thank you to Chancellor Ward and discuss how we can work with the new chancellor, ask for the identification of the issues that will be ongoing under the new chancellor, and an identification of the top five changes that ASEC should keep in mind in the coming years.
- Discussion of 2013-2015 proposed budget: In addition to the budget bill campus is also anticipating potential changes in policies regarding retirement including the required time between the date of retirement and returning to employment as a rehired annuitant
- Discussion of promotion steps: This topic and progression in titling will be revisited on April 25th with Steve Stern, Steve Lund, and Bob Lavigna.
Guests: Ad Hoc Diversity Plan Committee Academic Staff members: Heather McFadden and Lillian Tong updated ASEC on the work of the Committee. Greater inclusion of community members and a more robust online tool for the work of the Committee are positive steps. However, concerns remain regarding the accurate reflection of committee views in draft documents and the membership and role of the core group. The effectiveness of the committee is limited by the lack of a common vision for the plan and the lack of consistent representation of all constituencies at Committee meetings. The compression of the timeline for the committees work with a new completion date of May 10 is also a major concern. ASEC inquired why the Committee’s plans do not include the involvement of Chancellor Blank as she will be responsible for implementing the plan. Jeff will consult with the other governance leaders about drafting a letter that is appreciative of the Committee’s work while expressing concerns about the process, the need for a more realistic deadline, the importance of involving the new chancellor in this discussion, and the potential for a flawed process to negatively impact the development of an inclusive campus community.
Provost Update: Eden Inoway-Ronnie: Eden reported on a review of policy for international travel, especially to countries under a federal government travel warning. The policy to be developed needs to promote safety for student undergraduate study abroad programs while supporting the research and confidential activities of faculty and staff. Eden also updated ASEC on the status of the College of the Arts proposal that will be voted on by the School of Music in April, before being presented to the University Committee and the UAPC prior to presentation to the faculty senate in October
Guest: Steve Lund, Academic Personnel Office: The HR Design Strategic Plan will be presented to the Joint Committee on Employee Relations on April 23. The shared governance HR Design Advisory Committee will meet on April 18 and Steve is planning a meeting of the Title Mapping Work Group. Steve asked for an ASEC member to assist in reviewing diversity data with APO staff. Steve assured ASEC that he would provide the data on academic staff members near the salary maxima before April 25. ASEC requested that APO monitor layoffs that result from sequestration. CEBC may explore the issue of identifying the impact of salary maxima on job mobility within the campus community.
General Reports
- Jeff Shokler, ASEC Chair: Discussed topics for ASEC’s May 9 meeting with Mark Cook and Michael Bernard Donals, chair and chair-elect of the University Committee. Reminded ASEC of meetings with candidates for the Dean of Pharmacy.
- Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff: The CASI meeting is scheduled for April 24. The Academic Staff Excellence Award recipients will be introduced at the Assembly meeting on Monday and honored at a reception and awards ceremony at the Fluno Center on April 23. 45 ballots have been cast for Standing Committees and 683 ballots have been cast for ASEC.
- CEBC: The System Fringe Benefits Advisory Committee does not have record of Karen’s appointment to the committee. CEBC will meet with Steve Stern about pay portfolio for academic staff. Committee on Women in University wants to meet with CEBC to work on campus childcare issues.
- Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on Budget Issues, Policies and Strategies – Russell Dimond: The case study group has made great progress and will have a report soon. The Committee has conducted a sample study of people who had active appointments as of September 1, 2012-136 over the salary cap for their range (1.78%) , 124 (1.62%) at the cap, 130 1.7 within 2% of the cap; 256 (3.63) within 5%of the cap, 411 (5.37) within 10% of the cap. The total cumulative percent is a little over 11%.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:33 p.m.
Submitted by Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff