Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 04-25-13

Approved May 2, 2013


ASEC Minutes 
2:00-4:30 p.m. Thursday, April 25, 2013 
67 Bascom


Members present: Marwa Bassiouni, Heather Daniels, Past-Chair; Robin Kurtz, Heather McFadden, Vice-Chair; Jim Maynard, Jeff Shokler, Chair; Erin Silva.

Members absent: Denny Hackel. Robert Newsom.

Guests: Jenny Dahlberg, CEBC; Ryan Engel, Campus Transportation Committee; Tim Gloeckler, Campus Transportation Committee; Patrick Kass, Director –Transportation Services; Bob Lavigna, OHR; Steve Lund, APO; Steve Stern, Associate Vice Chancellor; Mark Walters, OHR; David Ward, Interim Chancellor

Chair Jeff Shokler called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.

The ASEC minutes for Thursday, April 18 were approved as distributed.

Guest: David Ward, Interim Chancellor: Discussed the development of the legislative reaction to the U.W. System fund balance. The Governor’s budget proposal includes a direct cost to continue funding for U.W.-Madison that used to be provided to the Department of Administration (DoA) and could be requested by the University from DoA. Chancellor Ward is working closely with Chancellor-designate Blank on transition planning. The challenges of next ten years are working within a very partisan environment, identifying new ‘self-help’ approaches to move forward (e.g. innovation, interdisciplinary, fundraising), and addressing the individualistic culture in an environment where a sense of community is needed. Academic staff excellence awards were a demonstration of the attention of academic staff to collaboration. ASEC and Chancellor Ward discussed the need for academic staff to be able to move quickly and nimbly in multiple roles.


  • Convene in closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Stats. 19.85(1)(c), and (f) – Moved by Heather Daniels, seconded by Jim Maynard. Approved. 
    -    ASEC discussed potential alternates for the Diversity Plan Ad Hoc Committee for action at a future ASEC meeting.
  • Move out of closed session: Moved by Jim Maynard, seconded by Heather Daniels. Approved.
  • Shared Governance Matchmaker- Heather McFadden shared a poster on the “Shared Governance Matchmaker” item to discuss with Britt Moes when she visits.
  • Kenneth J. Newman: The family of Kenneth J. Newman, the Physical Plant Employee who died on April 16, is requesting memorials to Shelter from a Storm Animal Rescue. (see
  • Reviewed May 13 Assembly agenda.

Provost Update: The Provost discussed the value of his recent trip to China that focused on agricultural issues and benefited from the involvement and support of Governor Walker. In response to an ASEC inquiry about the impact of sequestration on research, the Provost indicated that it could be a severe problem if it continues. Administration is looking at some potential solutions that, unfortunately, would be dramatic in the extreme and APO indicated that partial layoffs or furloughs might be an approach to be used if reductions. The Provost asked if academic staff governance has considered a revision to the current Area Review Committee structure.

Guests: Steve Stern, Bob Lavigna, Steve Lund, Mark Walters: ASEC engaged these guests in a discussion of the titling structure and the number of levels that will occur as part of HR redesign as well as the issue of salary range maxima. The title study should look at everyone anew: compensation, titling philosophy and take one and a half to two years. Steve again suggested making the distinguished title more accessible and re-conceptualize distinguished as a natural progression title and ASEC confirmed that this is not a viable option. ASEC also discussed the need for levels that provide career progression within a role in a meaningful way. The title and compensation study will specifically address the dual career paths so that a move into management is not the only career progression available. The number of levels needs to be resolved in a way that is co-terminus so that equal time and effort is given to both of these aspects. Bob reiterated OHR’s commitment to working with governance groups in the development of titles. ASEC expressed the need to provide for compensation within a specific title; Steve Lund indicated that compensation for performance could address this issue. 
ASEC noted that the issue of salary maxima must be addressed before another CCF is implemented. Steve Stern asked if there has been a review of the Consumer Price Index-Urban (CPI-U) for the time span in which they have been no pay plans for evaluating the appropriate salary maxima. ASEC noted that the extraordinary salary range also might be an option for addressing salary maxima. ASEC noted that very rarely does this campus hire at an entry-level salary for a title so this also impacts the lack of move within a title, OHR noted that this is an argument for compensation flexibility. ASEC also suggested that academic staff compensation be based on a package of support rather than just on salary. The two takeaways from the discussion are that the title analysis and review will include co-terminus evaluation of number of levels in a rational titling structure and that a short-term solution to the maxima issue must be identified.

Guest: Steve Lund: ASEC requested that CNCS representatives be added to the title mapping 

Guest: Patrick Kass: Patrick presented some of the programmatic changes being implemented for next fall beginning with an overview of the Transportation Services budget. Employees will be charged $24.00 per year for Employee Bus Pass that will generate $150,000 of the $1.8 million annual program cost. ASEC asked about making transportation costs a progressive cost that is based on salary. ASEC also suggested a scholarship approach for those who can’t afford this cost. Transportation Services is also proposing moving from three base lot categories to two base lot categories over a six-year period. The rates for lots changing rate category will increase 10% per year each year for the next six years; the rates for lots not changing rate category will increase 3% each year for the next six years. ASEC expressed a concern about the limited amount of public parking on campus, Patrick shared the new interactive maps that shows the number of public parking spaces available in a specific garage for the over 2000 spaces a day dedicated to public parking. ASEC also expressed the need for an inexpensive lot to address access issues for those who cannot pay more. Patrick Kass indicated that UW Transportation is working to develop a Park and Ride at Park and Wingra and provide chartered shuttle buses and the Hospital is looking a leasing a Park and Ride at Hill Farms with a shuttle to bring people into the hospital. The transit consultant’s final report is posted on the Transportation Services website, governance groups will be engaged in the Fall to discuss options for implementing in Fall 2014. ASEC expressed concern about increasing the cost of disabled parking. Patrick was asked to make a presentation to the Academic Staff Assembly on the campus bus service in the fall.

General Reports

  • Jeff Shokler, ASEC Chair: Jeff reported on the CASI meeting.
  • Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff: Jo Ann noted that there are 71 proposals in process for professional development grants with a due date of April 26. Nomination Committee elections close May 4, 26 votes have been cast to date.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

Submitted by Jo Ann Carr, Interim Secretary of the Academic Staff.


ASEC Minutes 
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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff