Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 01-22-15

Approved 1-29-15
ASEC Minutes
2:00 – 4:30 p.m. Thursday, January 22, 2015
67 Bascom Hall

Members Present:  Bruno Browning, Trish Iaccarino; Sarah Kuba; Heather McFadden, Chair; Michael Moscicke; Robert Newsom; Kevin Niemi; Deb Shapiro

Guests: Deb Brauer, Jenny Dahlberg, Jason Jankoski, Kristin Klarkowski, Gene Masters, Linda Scholl

The meeting was called to order at 2:01 p.m.

The minutes of January 8 and January 15 were approved.

Guests: Sarah Mangelsdorf, Provost
Provost Mangelsdorf asked about the February Assembly meeting and was assured that logistics were being handled for inviting the other employee governance groups. She then discussed the campus conversation on diversity, which had good table discussions and greater attendance than was expected. ASEC asked if there had been any other schools/colleges that had been asked by central administration to do budget exercises higher than 6%, and she said no. Regarding the travel policy, she encouraged people to catalog and communicate any issues with the booking interface or the reimbursement process.

General Reports
•    ASEC Chair Heather Mc Fadden discussed the status of updating the definition of academic staff in ASPP 1.03. ASEC will vote on revisions before taking to the Assembly at the February meeting. Heather M. informed ASEC that Chancellor Blank would be addressing the Assembly, as well as members of the Faculty Senate and Classified Staff Congress, regarding the budget on Feburary 9. Mark Walters has also reached out regarding governance participation in the search for the new head of job titling and compensation.
•    Deputy Secretary of the Academic Staff Jake Smith reported on the status of the interviews in the Employee Assistance Office and for the new purchasing director. He also informed ASEC that a Qualtrics survey for an earlier start time for the February 9 Assembly meeting would be sent out immediately after the meeting.

Liaison Reports
•    Kevin Niemi is attending the UW System Reps meeting on Friday, January 23, and will provide a report at the next ASEC meeting.

Standing Committee Reports
•    CEBC Co-Chair Jenny Dahlberg gave an update on the status of the committee’s survey on job titling and compensation. The committee received over 1900 responses and is working on a white paper summarizing the data. CEBC will present the draft to ASEC when it is completed.

Academic Staff Governance Priorities Check-in
ASEC and the standing committee chairs in attendance discussed the progress on the 2014-15 priorities.
•    Job Security: CEBC will be delivering a session on educational opportunities for job security at this year’s Academic Staff Institute, and the Ad Hoc Committee on Bridge Funding delivered its report to the Assembly in the fall. There was also discussion about a possible CEBC/PPPC sub-committee to look at collecting rolling horizon appointment policies from schools/colleges/divisions.
•    HR Design: CEBC’s titling and compensation survey touches both titling and performance management. PPPC expressed concern about making sure that performance management procedures are consistent with ASPP.
•    Benefits & Compensation: The CEBC survey can also inform the compensation structure, with the intent to turn over results to an ad hoc committee to represent academic staff. Heather M. mentioned that, while there is not much to be done with CCF, the High Demand Exercise included academic staff for the first time. Kevin reported that, at the System level, work is being done on 12-month payment plans for 9-month employees.
•    Professional Opportunities: PDRC is working with the SOAS office to put a list of training opportunities on the academic staff website. ASEC has raised the issue of tuition benefits with the Provost, looking for additional flexibilities in addition to what is currently available. PDRC is continuing to look into additional funding resources for professional development (e.g. UW Foundation). ASEC is writing a charge for an ad hoc committee on teaching titles.
•    Engagement: ASEC and CASIs have a luncheon twice a year to discuss best practices, and there is an e-mail list which can be used for that purpose as well. In addition to the possibility of a panel or session at ASI on CASIs, the notion was raised of pairing more active CASIs with CASIs that are inactive or looking for direction. The presentation to the Deans Council may not happen due to the restructuring of those meetings, but ASEC is working with the Provost and the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration to send a letter to schools/colleges/divisions promoting the importance of CASIs. Preliminary results from the Mentoring Committee survey indicate lack of time/permission to participate in CASIs and other governance activities, and these issues will be communicated to the Provost.
•    Other Areas: Mentoring indicated that their survey findings indicate a high desire for more mentoring. Districting will be more of an issue closer to July 1, particularly as some classified employees become academic staff.


•    February Assembly Agenda
o    ASEC discussed possible topics to move to March in light of the joint meeting. The Assembly agenda will be voted on at the January 29 meeting.
•    Athletic Board Follow-up
o    Heather M. will draft communication to the board with ASEC’s recommendations and bring to the next meeting for review.
•    Appointment to Ad Hoc Committee on Instruction Credentials and Accreditation
o    Initial discussion of possible candidates took place. Further discussion will occur at the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 4:27 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Jake Smith, Deputy Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff