Minutes: CEBC Meeting - October 24th, 2013

Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Meeting Minutes

Oct 24, 2013

11:00-12:00PM  Room 271 Bascom Hall

1.     Assign minute taker—Jason will write minutes to provide to Jenny for typing up.


2.     Review minutes from June 24, 2013 meeting . Minutes were reviewed and Maya moved to accept without revision. Jason seconded. Hearing no objection, minutes were approved.


3.     Review recent assembly and ASEC happenings-Heather McFadden and Heather Daniels attended to update on ASEC priorities and events. Heather M reviewed the structure of ASEC and how it relates to the committee. She shared that each ASEC committee member is tasked with being a representative or liaison to help forward issues and increase communication. Heather M shared the 2013-14 Academic staff governance Priorities as below:

a.       Priority Morale

                                                               i.      Increase recognition opportunities for academic staff

                                                             ii.      Promote value of academic staff with campus leaders and others

                                                            iii.      Promote/partner with others (MASA/Ombuds/OHRD, etc) to support collegial relationships

b.      Priority compensation

                                                               i.      Collect peer institution data on bridge funding

                                                             ii.      Re-evaluate compensation and economic benefits committee (size and scope)

                                                            iii.      Charge re-evaluated CEBC committee to work on Compensation Portfolio and HR Design opporuntities

c.       Priority Engagement in governance

                                                               i.      Bring issues to academic staff assembly for debate

                                                             ii.      Create list of accomplishments for academic staff governance

                                                            iii.      Create strategy to bring more people into governance


4.     ASEC Priorities for 2013-2014

a.       Review charge of CEBC

b.      future goals and priorities of CEBC

                                                               i.      Promotional steps –number of and how to achieve in a career scope

                                                             ii.      High demand fund for academic staff

                                                            iii.      Multiple roles issues

                                                           iv.      Review of CCF for 2014 data exercise

Jason recommended we ask the adhoc budget committee to review the issue of a high demand fund. Additionally it was recommended to convene the same CCF review group that did the 2013 exercise review/report to do a similar analysis for the 2014 exercise.  CEBC would continue in its current form and structure; deciding to prioritize the promotional steps and multiple roles issues, as well as discussion of what a pay portfolio would look like. The issue of a portfolio or list of tools (i.e. tool-kit) for compensation to provide maximum ability to compensate and reward high quality staff, while reducing the perception of the “job carousel.” Steve Stern is leading this issue for the faculty.

---For future meetings it was suggested committee reviews the ASPP to review the charge of CEBC to ensure we are prioritizing future agenda items.

5.     Critical Compensation fund report update-report and resolution was distributed and the assembly voted to accept both in the Oct 2013 meeting.  As this topic had been previously heavily discussed, we only reviewed the status of the report briefly.


6.     2012-2013 CEBC annual report-draft was distributed and reviewed. Mats moved to approved the draft report as presented, Maya seconded. Upon vote, all members voted unanimously to accept the report.


7.     Election of co-chair. Jenny requested nominations for anyone interested in filling the vacated co-chair when Karen retired. Jason was nominated and accepted. Upon vote, all were in favor of electing Jason as co-chair.  Marc volunteered to assist with the technical aspects to the co-chairs—posting minutes/agendas to the KB and connecting with the Academic staff website and announcing meetings.


8.     Future meeting scheduling-Jenny will send a doodle to find a common standing monthly meeting time. Maya suggested we have it available for those who can’t physically attend that they call or skype in. We decided to meet in Bascome for next three months (Nov, Dec, Jan) and would revisit this if it caused significant hardship for members.


9.     Miscellaneous-Mats-curious about who receives complaints of sexual harassment violations on campus? The office of equity and diversity should be monitoring and receiving such complaints.


Meeting adjourned 11:58am.

Committee Members:

Jenny Dahlberg

Sharon Gehl (absent)

Maya Holtzman

Jason Jankoski

Mats Johansson

Michele Mickelson (absent)

Marc Turnes

Nola Walker (absent)

Denise Zang (absent)

CEBC, minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff