Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 07-07-11

Minutes Approved with corrections~ 8-4-11

Academic Staff Executive Committee 
2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
Thursday, July 7, 2011 
67 Bascom Hall


Members Present: Daña Alder (Vice-Chair), Heather Daniels (Chair), Jason Keaton, Jim Maynard, 
Ben Rodriguez, Jim Steele, Jeff Shokler, Valli Warren

Others Present: Mo Bischof, Bruno Browning, Paul DeLuca, Phil Dunigan, Margaret Harrigan, 
Tyler Junger, Steve Lund, Samuel Seering (via phone), Steve Stern, Alec Widerksi 

Call to Order/Agenda Review 

The meeting was called to order by Chair, Heather Daniels at 2:00 p.m.

Introductions and welcome to new ASEC members.

Automatic Consent Business 
ASEC minutes of Thursday, June 23, 2011 were approved as corrected.

PROVOST UPDATE: Provost Paul DeLuca 

Updates included: 

• New Business School Dean will be announced soon. 

• Has not received short list for CALS Dean 

• Jeffrey S. Russell has been named Vice Provost for Lifelong Learning and Dean of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Continuing Studies. 

• Craig H. Benson, Wisconsin Distinguished Professor of Geological Engineering and Civil and Environmental Engineering, has been named the first director for sustainability research and education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

• School of Human Ecology (SOHE) Dean’s search to start in the fall. The Provost requests ASEC provide names for the search committee in August. 

• Announced that David Ward will be on campus a week from Monday. 

• Encouraged ASEC members to attend the going away celebration for Chancellor Martin. 

• Search for the Vice Chancellor for Research will likely be postponed until after a new Chancellor has been hired. 

• Huron is reviewing the entire structure IT.

Guest: Samuel Seering, Associated Students of Madison (ASM) member 
Discussion took place regarding the ASM proposal for a University Ad Hoc Committee on Institutional Shared Governance. ASM will provide ASEC with data concerning committees where students are not represented or underrepresented. ASEC will then consider this proposal and provide a response to ASM.

Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wisc. Stats. 19.85 (1) (c) 

• Committee Appointments 

Reconvene in Open Session

Academic Staff Issues Tracking System 
Heather distributed a revised document and requested that ASEC review. On July 28, 2011 ASEC will officially approve the document so that it can be posted on the web. Heather will send this to ASEC electronically.

Review 2010-11 Academic Staff Assembly Priorities 
Heather reviewed priorities document in preparation for upcoming planning meeting.

Chancellor’s Search and Screen Committee 
ASEC discussed ASM’s draft letter to President Reilly which requests three students be included on the search committee. Heather will follow up with Allie Gardner, Chair of the ASM. She will also contact CNCS regarding increasing number of classified staff on the committee from one to two.

Possible ASEC Meeting on August 11, 2011 
Due to cancellation of the August 25th ASEC meeting: ASEC has agreed to meet on August 11, 2011. 
Donna will send a revised meeting schedule.

ASEC Liaison Roles for 2011-12 
ASEC reviewed the 2010-11 liaison assignments. Heather encouraged everyone to consider which committees they would like to serve on in this capacity. Assignments will be finalized at the next ASEC meeting on July 28, 2011.

Next ASEC Meeting, July 28, 2011 


• Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wisc. Stats. 19.85 (1) (c) 

• Committee Appointments 

• SOHE Search and Screen 

• Reconvene in Open Session 

• Budget Advisory Committee Update 

• Review Chancellor’s Shared Governance Letter 

• Academic Staff Issues Tracking System 

• ASEC Liaison Roles for 2011-12 

• Next ASEC Meeting, August 4, 2011 - for decision

GUESTS: Phil Dunigan, Distinguished Prefix Review Committee, Bruno Browning and 
Mo Bischof, PPPC co-chairs, Alec Widerski, CEBC, Steve Lund, Director, Academic Personnel Office, Steve Stern, Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty and Staff, and Margaret Harrigan, Senior Policy and Planning Analyst 
Discussion focused on review of the distinguished prefix guidelines in order to make this title accessible to academic staff across all the functional areas. 
Next step— formation of a small committee to: 

• Review current guidelines and guidelines proposed in 2007; 

• Review the stated criteria; 

• Establish an excellence model for each functional area; 

• Consider the possibility of general vs. specific criteria 

• Provide frequent updates to Steve Stern and Steve Lund 

Heather will contact each of the committees taking part in this discussion to request a representative for this committee. ASEC’s goal is to have a document ready for the Assembly to review in the fall.



Chair – Heather Daniels 

• Update on collection of ASPRO dues: Chancellor has been in contact with the Governor’s office. The Governor or DOA is expected to issue a statement explaining that it was not their intent that Act 10, which prohibits payroll deductions for union dues, apply to governance organizations such as ASPRO, MASA and PROFS. 

• Heather and Donna met with Chancellor to provide an update of ASEC activities. The Chancellor will pass this information along to David Ward. 

• Met with ASM Chair. Heather suggested that they, along with the chair of the University Committee meet monthly. 

• A letter to academic staff is being drafted regarding budget and benefits, and the opportunity we now have for creating a new personnel system.

Liaison Reports 
Administrative Excellence Advisory Committee – Jeff Shokler 
Jeff reported that Huron is currently reviewing IT. The committee was informed that DoIT comprises between a quarter to a third of the total the IT budget. Huron is working to gain a better understanding the other IT campus units. Governance structure should be aligned with IT strategic goals. 
Concern was raised by ASEC regarding people who are being interviewed by Huron. Is Huron speaking with actual staff who are doing the work?

Meeting Adjourned at 4:35 p.m. 
Minutes submitted by Donna Silver, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff