Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 08-18-11

Minutes approved 9-1-11

Academic Staff Executive Committee 
2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. 
Thursday, August 18, 2011 
67 Bascom Hall

Members Present: Daña Alder (Vice-Chair), Heather Daniels (Chair), Jason Keaton, 
Ben Rodriguez, Jim Steele, Jeff Shokler,Valli Warren

Others Present: Denny Hackel, Nik Hawkins, Tim Gloeckler, Steve Stern

Absent: Jim Maynard

Call to Order/Agenda Review 
The meeting was called to order by Chair, Heather Daniels at 2:00 p.m.

Automatic Consent Business 
ASEC minutes of Thursday, August 11, 2011 were approved with correction.

GUEST: Steve Stern, Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty and Staff 
• Discussion focused on the importance of academic staff involvement in development of new personnel system. 
• ASEC discussed desirable attributes in a new chancellor. 
• Last issue focused on looking ahead and envisioning the future for UW-Madison.


Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wisc. Stats. 19.85 (1) (c) 
• SOHE Search and Screen 
• Legislative Study Group 
• Chancellor’s Search and Screen Committee 
• Secretary of the Academic Staff—Performance Review 
Reconvene in Open Session

Assembly Meeting – September Agenda

Issues Regarding Current Personnel System 
• Heather requested ASEC members send their list of issues and problem areas regarding the current personnel system to Donna to compile prior to the September 1, 2011 ASEC meeting. 
• Issues identified include: gender equity, salary compression; realistic expectations for instructional staff; and need for establishing wider pay range categories.

Principles for UW-Personnel System Review from Badger Working Group 
Motion: made by Jeff Shokler and seconded Jim Steele to edit the first bullet under guiding principles to read: 
• The system will incorporate as appropriate, good practices and principles that currently exist in Wisconsin State Statute Chapters 34, 111 and 230, labor union contracts, UW system administrative codes and Board of Regents policies. 
• Send a memo explaining why faculty and academic staff policies and procedures have been omitted.

Motion passed.

In the second principle it was agreed that a footnote should be added with the legal definition of 
“civil-service system.”

ASEC Meeting on September 1, 2011 
Meeting time adjusted to 1:30-4:00 p.m., per administration’s request.

Next ASEC Meeting, September 1, 2011 - for decision 
Guests: Darrell Bazzell 
Convene in Closed Session Pursuant to Wisc. Stats. 19.85 (1) (c) 
• SOHE Search and Screen 
• Legislative Study Group 
• Chancellor’s Search and Screen Committee 
Reconvene in Open Session 
Assembly Meeting Agenda — Final Approval 
Principles for UW-Personnel System Review from Badger Working Group 
Identify Existing Personnel Salaries/Equity Issues 
Discuss Transportation Letter 
Next ASEC Meeting, September 8, 2011 - for decision

Chair – Heather Daniels 
• Meeting with the chairs of the University Committee and Associated Students of Madison. They have agreed to continue regular meetings for discussions of common concerns throughout the year. 
• Meeting with Steve Lund to discuss personnel system.

Secretary of the Academic Staff – Donna Silver 
• Delay in launching online Awards and Professional submission process. 
• Requested a September meeting with ASEC and the Faculty WARF Committee. 
• Joined Human Resources Working Group’s ( HRWG) subcommittee to explore institutional support for managers and supervisors.

GUEST: Tim Gloeckler, Academic staff member of the Transportation Committee. 
Tim provided ASEC with background regarding the reduction of handicapped parking stalls. 
Daña Alder will draft an invitation to Patrick Kass, Director of Transportation Services to meet with ASEC.


Meeting Adjourned at 4:35 p.m. 
Minutes submitted by Donna Silver, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASEC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff