Academic Staff Assemby Minutes 12-08-14


272 Bascom Hall
Monday, December 8, 2014
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Vice Chancellor Darrell Bazzell called the meeting to order at 3:34 p.m.

Memorial Resolution: Mitch Lundquist read the memorial resolution for Edith Dixon.

Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, November 10, 2014, were approved as distributed.  

Guest: Gary Brown, Facilities, Planning and Management
Gary Brown spent some time reviewing the 2005 campus plan.  A campus plan is required by State Statute, the Board of Regents and the City of Madison.  The 2005 campus plan concentrated on buildings, many of which are still in progress or in the planning stages.  The next campus plan will include a campus landscape master plan and a stormwater master plan.  UW-Madison is the largest landowner on Lake Mendota.  

During the master plan process, there will be many opportunities for various constituent groups to provide input.  During the last process, there were approximately 225 meetings about the campus plan.  Spring 2016 is when the final plans are due.

Standing Committee Annual Reports
Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee (CEBC)-Jason Jankoski reported that CEBC sent out a survey to all academic staff about the titling and compensation structure.  They received approximately 2,000 responses.  They provided a recommendation that high demand funds guidelines be expanded to include academic staff.  They worked with ASEC to encourage multiple roles with the University Committee.  The Critical Compensation Fund (CCF) evaluation recommendations were taken into account during the next exercise including extending the exercise to Category A academic staff at the maxima.  The Pay Tools Portfolio was also developed by the committee, which included adding a post-progression exercise for academic staff at the highest title in a series or any title in the program manager series.  

Motion by Bill Tishler (District #494) to bring the CEBC report back with corrections regarding the multiple roles language to the January Assembly meeting.  Seconded.  Motion failed 19-40.

Motion by Noel Radomski (District #377) to bring the CEBC report back with corrections regarding the multiple roles language to the next Assembly meeting.  Seconded.  Motion approved.

Districting and Representation Committee (DRC)-Jeanne Blochwitz reported that this committee places academic staff in districts using an automated system.  For those members who are not automatically placed, the DRC places them manually.  There were only 65 individuals who were manually placed last year.  Future issues include district size and preparing for classified staff, who may switch to academic staff.

Nominating Committee-Sheila Stoeckel reported that the Nominating Committee is in charge of vetting and finalizing nominees for different shared governance committees.  During the past year, they placed more than 110 academic staff members on committees.  Candidate names are collected through a survey sent out to all academic staff to indicate their committee interests.  Last year the Nominating Committee also worked to place two academic staff on the Athletic Board.  The process for selecting these members is more intensive than the process used for other committees.  The committee is looking at technology to improve data management of the process.

Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee (PPPC)-Linda Scholl reported that PPPC conducts a rolling review of ASPP.  Last year, changes to Chapters 2, 4, 7, 8, 13 and 14 were brought to the Assembly for approval.  PPPC is working with the Secretary of the Academic Staff to shepherd those changes through the approval process including UW System.  The committee also updates and distributes the job security flier.  This year the committee is looking at revisions to Chapter 13.

Standing Committee and Other Reports
•    Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) – Heather McFadden thanked the Assembly for providing feedback on the Parking Permit Base Lot Renewal proposal.  She also reported that a survey from the Mentoring Committee will be sent to all academic staff to help the committee decide which activities it should undertake this spring.
•    Academic Staff Professionals Representation Organization (ASPRO) – Michael Moscicke reported on committee assignments so far in the legislature.  The Joint Finance Committee will be co-chaired by Representaive Nygren and Senator Darling.  Senator Olsen and Harsdorf will both be continuing on the committee.  Democratic Senators Erpenbach and Taylor will also serve on the Joint Finance Committee.  Vos will continue to lead the Assembly and Fitzgerald will continue to lead the Senate.  Steve Nass will co-chair the Senate Committee on Administrative Rules.

Nominating Committee Member (ASA #544)

Erica Laughlin was elected to replace Consuelo Springfield through June 30, 2017.

Academic Staff Executive Committee Member (ASA #545)
There was a motion made by Noel Radomski (District #377) to postpone until the next meeting.  Seconded.  Motion failed.  Deb Shapiro was elected to replace Denny Hackel through June 30, 2015.

Hostile and Intimidating Behavior Legislation (ASA #546)
There was a motion to approve by Heather McFadden (ASEC).  Seconded.  Motion approved.

Limited Appointments and Academic Staff Governance (ASA #547)
There was a motion to approve by Bruno Browning (ASEC).  Second by Scott Mellor (District #262).  Motion approved.

Cancellation of the January Assembly Meeting
There was discussion about the interpretation of ASPP Chapter 13.03 B prior to losing quorum.

Quorum was lost at 5:17 pm

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

ASA Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff