FIDO: SNMP based thresholding
FIDO: SNMP based thresholding
Updating Thresholds
Thresholds can originate from many sources and can be designated per OID, per OID/DEVICE, or per OID/DEVICE/INSTANCE.Examples; <CiscoCpuUtil> <thresholds> high = 75 # per oid </thresholds> <> <thresholds> high = 85 # per device </thresholds> <utilization> high = 85 # or explicitly list the instance </utilization> </> </CiscoCpuUtil>
- the manual threshold file. Can be OID, OID/DEVICE or OID/DEVICE/INSTANCE
[@server data]$ cat /usr/local/fido/etc/fido_manual_thresholds.config
# re1 active
not_equal_to = 1
<hrSystemProcesses> desired_state = "within threshold bounds" threshold_units = "processes" <manual_thresholds> high = 0 </manual_thresholds> ... ...
<iemStatusProbeCurrentTemp> ... ... <threshold> high = return $snmp_data{$device}{'data'}{'iemConfigProbeHighTempThreshold'}{$instance} low = return $snmp_data{$device}{'data'}{'iemConfigProbeLowTempThreshold'}{$instance} </threshold>
- Collects and merges thresholds based on $update_config{'threshold_file_glob'}
- Loads in the snmp poll config file and sees which tests actually want to use thresholds
- Copies/modifies threshold values based on configuration requests
- Creates the full thresholds file