Graduate Faculty Executive Committee (GFEC) - Instructions and Deadlines for Submitting Materials

Program proposals (to create, restructure, rename, suspend or discontinue) and program reviews for graduate majors, named options, graduate/professional certificates and capstone certificates must be approved at the Graduate Faculty Executive Committee (GFEC) before moving on for approval at the University Academic Planning Council (UAPC).
Deadlines:  Materials for program proposals and graduate program review must be received at least three weeks before the GFEC meeting date. Please note that submissions three weeks in advance does not guarantee that an item will be placed on the agenda.

Program Proposal Drafts:  With respect to program proposals, it is assumed that drafts have been circulated several weeks/months ahead to allow for a final version that is aligned with policy guidelines and ready for governance consideration.  Depending on the nature of the proposal, one or more meetings may also be appropriate.  Requests for meetings or review of proposal drafts can be sent to your school/college academic planners and Jenna AlsteenAssistant Dean in the Graduate School.  Regarding program reviews, the School/College Academic Planning Council/Committee (APC) should have approved the review before it will be seen by GFEC, and the review committee report and dean's office memo should be shared with the Graduate School.  The College of Letters and Science may opt to have program reviews seen by GFEC before their APC.

Final Submission:   All graduate program proposals are entered and submitted using the Lumen Program Proposals System. Since all graduate program proposals need to receive school/college level review and approval, the Lumen workflow automatically moves all proposals from the department/program to its school/college, then to Data, Academic Planning, and Institutional Research (DAPIR), and then to the GFEC.  After GFEC approval, all proposals advance to the University Academic Planning Council (UAPC) step.

University Academic Planning Council (UAPC) -- Depending on the nature of the program proposal or program review, the UAPC may require formal academic approval or treat the item as automatic consent. With questions about the UAPC, visit this website.
Graduate School Contact
Jenna Alsteen
Assistant Dean
Office of Data, Academic Planning, and Institutional Research Contacts
Allison La Tarte
Vice Provost
Karen Mittelstadt
Academic Planner

GFEC, Graduate Faculty Executive Committee 
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Jenna A. in Graduate School
Graduate School