Minutes: CEBC Meeting - January 01-21-14

Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee Meeting Minutes
January 21st, 2014 12:00PM - 1:30PM Room 2259 Vetmed Convened at 12:00PM 1. Meeting minutes logged by Marc Turnes 2. Review minutes from November 19th, 2013 Meeting. 3. Russell Dimond is filling Michelle's seat. 4. Promotional Title Survey Update: Review of the Promotional TItle draft and relaying of feedback for adjustment prior to relaying the survey to ASEC. Marc, Denise, and Nola will meet again in the next couple of weeks to make a second draft which will be E-mailed to CEBC for a 2nd round of review prior to bringing the document to ASEC to approve for distribution on either February 6th or February 13th. 5. Pay Tools Portfolio Update: Jason provided a document that summarizes various means of granting raises for various reasons (promotion, retention, equity, and market). Additional feedback for revision was delivered. This document will be going to ASEC for approval for use and distribution following a meeting between Mats, Jason, Sharon, and campus personnel prior to a final revision. Reporting on this at ASEC on 1/24/13 at 2pm. 6. Multiple Roles Update: Jenny reviewed the obstacles to multiple roles (variability of positions); Focusing on a creation of a white paper covering the issue of Multiple Roles to address the issue featuring both the benefits and challenges surrounding the issue without getting mired in minutiae. Several members of the Ad Hoc committee that was recently dissolved offered to speak to the CEBC on their findings. Jenny also noted that the University Committee had sent a message to Deans, Department Chairs, and Center Directors were given specific indications that a rule-waiver is needed for dual-role Academic Staff appointments. The University Committee also is seeking to allow flexibility in using Academic Staff when needed with a greater duration than the previous "one time" rule waivers that had previously been granted. They included a procedure for doing so which is still an unapproved draft. 7. Future Meetings: February 18th - Grainger Meeting adjourned at 1:27PM. Committee Members: Jenny Dahlberg Sharon Gehl Maya Holtzman Jason Jankoski Mats Johansson Russell Dimond Marc Turnes Nola Walker (absent) Denise Zang (absent)

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Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff