Communications Committee Minutes 9-14-12

Minutes ASCC monthly meeting

September 14, 2012 from 11-noon

Room 4413, Sterling Hall – Thanks Jen for setting this up


Committee Members for 2012 – 2013

Sonya Sedivy, Mark Lilleleht, Bob Ash, Peter Kleppin, Alice Pulvermacher, Laurie Silverberg, Diane Doering, Laura Gallagher and Jennifer Dykema


In attendance: Mark, Bob, Peter, Alice, Diane and Jennifer


Interns for Fall Semester 2012

Hannah Curley and Ashly Baccus



       1)      Welcome and introductions for new members and Fall Interns

·      We will introduce Interns at next meeting as they could not attend this month

·      Peter provided an overview of the August 16th meeting. 

       2)      Can we schedule our meeting moving forward to begin at 11:30 or 12 so our Interns can attend?

·      11:30 – 12:30 meeting time works for those in attendance. We can meet in Sterling Hall Oct 12th and Dec 14th. Bob is working on reserving a room for November

       3)      Report out what was discussed in our first meeting with the ASCC fall Interns 

·      Peter provided an overview of some ideas of what the interns could work on e.g. profiles, survey, etc

·      Need to figure out goals, priorities, etc for the survey. Jen can work with the Interns to provide guidance and expertise if we go this route, but much more needs to be discussed on this

·      Once Peter gets the Interns schedule we will look to connect them with Jen to discuss the survey

       4)      Who can participate on the AdHoc committee that will review the HR Design Proposal

·      Bob will fill this role for our committee. This has been confirmed

·      Peter will send Bob a brief description

       5)      Review draft of ASEC priorities for 2012-2013

a.    Determine next steps for our committee and Interns based on the priorities

·      Ideas for HR Design communication

o   Start a twitter feed for the HR Design proposal

o   This could end up beyond the University and it’s “internal purpose” so need to be careful about setting something like this up

·      Too late to set up a widget for something like this

·      We can discuss again on October 12th as we have more direction with the HR proposal

Upcoming meeting dates: The Friday immediately following Academic Assembly meetings.

Upcoming meetings are October 12, November 16 and December 14


CC Minutes 
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Owned by:
Lesley F. in The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff