Communications Committee Minutes 11-19-12
Agenda ASCC monthly meeting
November 19, 2012 from 2:00-3:00 pm
Schreiner Hall – ROOM 135. That is on the north end of the building. Building access is the south door on Orchard street or the middle door from the back side of the building.
Committee Members for 2012 – 2013
Sonya Sedivy, Mark Lilleleht, Bob Ash, Peter Kleppin, Alice Pulvermacher, Laurie Silverberg, Diane Doering, Laura Gallagher and Jennifer Dykema
Interns for Fall Semester 2012
Hannah Curley and Ashly Baccus
In attendance: Guests - Dan Koetke and Jeff Shokler
Sonya, Peter, Laurie, Alice, Ashly, Hannah, Bob, Diane, Laura, Jen and Mark
1) Update on AS profiles- Ashly and Hannah
· Committee members will provide feedback online as we ran out of time to discuss this
2) Discussion with Jeff Shokler, Chair of the Academic Staff Executive Committee, to identify and clarify CC's goals, priorities, and role
a. Short-term goals, priorities, and role
b. Long-term goals, priorities, and role
· Dan Koetke, from APR here to help AS with communication around HR redesign
· ASEC chair, Jeff, expressed a short-term issue – the secretaries office needs help with regard to updating the AS website
o Help with publishing profiles on the site
o Help with website in general
o Actually would like this to be a long-term responsibility of the communications committee
· Discussion followed
o What is the goal of the website?
§ Does the website needs to serve as a repository AND help people understand who academic staff are? What is the priority short-term? Long-term?
o Who decides what content is going up? Is there a vetting process?
o Who is putting the content up there?
o ASCC could them help find tools and systems for what should go up on the website e.g. create policy and guidelines
o Need to spell out clearly what is expected of who?
o One concern is ASCC could end up taking on deciding what should be published and it may not be reflective of what ASEC wants.
o Long-term talk about process, scope and role through a collaboration of ASEC, Secretary’s office and ASCC.
o ASEC e.g. policy that ASCC would post articles from Inside UW.
o Bob Ash is willing to work with Mary to upload some materials for time being – Mary can email Bob to post materials.
o Bob, will track how much time he ends up putting into this, so we have a record and info moving forward.
o If responsibility shifts perhaps a more pared down website would make sense, really look closely at purpose and mission
o Do some analytics of current website to know what is being used, etc.
· HR design communication
o Need to reassess what concerns AS have about HR design in broad strokes, then figure out how best to get info out, timing, sources, etc. When, how much
o We are in a weird place of too much info and not enough – find ways to simplify the 8 page docs and pick out the 10 bullet points that help people to understand where things are at e.g. making the info accessible
· Alice, Peter, Dan and Jeff will connect and process what was discussed today.
Debrief of above discussion:
· Are we supposed to be the spokespeople for ASEC? That is a crucial question. If we become the speaking committee then we need to take on a MUCH more direct role with ASEC and the Secretary office.
· Are we being asked to write the message? Or to create frameworks and the process, not the message
· There is no budget perhaps this needs to be resolved
· Are we just documenting HR design or do we need to sell it?
· Create Youtube videos or a podcast
· Mission drift- filling in to help out secretary office. Should this be a funded role?
· Sustainability-can not and should not take something on that we cannot sustain. May need to throw some resources at this.
· Concern about setting a precedent with Bob stepping up, so important to track exactly how much time this takes.
3) Review the Orientation AdHoc committee doc and consider what content could be used when updating/changing the AS website – see attachment
· No time today
4) Discussion about having Interns 2nd semester
· No time to discuss
Next month’s meeting
1. Report out from Ashly and Hannah regard website
2. Discuss whether or not to conduct a survey and if so define the purpose and scope
Upcoming meeting dates: The Friday immediately following Academic Assembly meetings.
Upcoming meetings are December 14, January 18, February 15, March 15, April 12 and May 17